this is it...this is the end 2007 has been a good year...
pre p.s. my truck is fine! :D a sparkplug exploded or's fixed, it's not dead! YAY!
*whips out journal*
haha...really it has been SUCH a good year for me...
i concur...after having read over my journal...which is from last march until almost now...
holy crap...
i am SO not the girl i used to be...
and i'm ok with it
in fact i love who i am, who i've become...
i did a lot of growing up over the summer...and in the months following...
over and over and over again I have seen God's provision in my life, which has been very encouraging...
i think i've talked about this before...i don't consider myself a "religous" person...i don't care much for church
and that whole conservative christian thing...
but i do believe in God, and i think that really all we're supposed to do is love people like God loves people, which is partly what i was refering to in my last post...
this summer i discovered a greater capacity to express that love for people...i was able to just be. to be who i am, to be caring, to on people, honestly and simply...
i miss that...i don't get that sort of opportunity much at home...
i've met so many people that i adore now...some more than others :P
i've had so many fabulous experiences...
so many firsts...
a year ago i would never have dreamed of being where i am today, of being WHO i am today...
if there is anything i regret from this past year, it is that i was not able to stay longer in mackinac...
but really...
i regret nothing
i am thankful for every last experience i've had, every person that i've met, everything i've done
it has been a beautiful year...and i expect that 2008 will be twenty times what 2007 was...
there is still much thought and reflection on my part...
i think i am often too much of dreamer...which is really what my last post was about more than anything else...
just a girl and her dreams...
i know that God has got wonderful things in store for me, i know that he will provide for me as he always has...
i love that everytime i feel alone, or i miss someone...they show up shortly after...
just the other day i was thinking about how i'd like to see nate again soon...then i saw him and he noticed actual for real noticed me...
then i saw trace, whom i had also wanted to see...and he noticed me too. :)
i wanted to talk to Brent...and he called me at work...
God does a good job of letting me know that i am loved...
I can not even begin to express how thankful i am for everything that i have, and everything that i am, and everyone i adore...
i am truly blessed...
Though the year has ended...A New and Bright one is beginning
and i can't wait to see what's in store... :)
p.s. my news years resolution; make every day count
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
when your lonely heart has learned it's lesson
thanks trace...
it was nice to feel skin again
there is so much to think about, my heart is striking out on it's own again
there's really nothing i can do except follow it...but God only knows where that will take me
it hurts sometimes
my heart does
i do have a great capacity to love people, i really do...but as i get older and live and experience...
loving people is painful sometimes... a lot of the times... but how can i not?
i know i wrote recently, frustrated about having someone...
but i'm too afraid to pursue the someones that i care for...
i'm not really sure why... i don't want to ruin what we have ...
but what if we had a chance? what if we worked out?
and what if we didn't? would we still be friends? i think so...i hope so....
i don't know...
if only i wasn't so afraid to go after what i want...maybe, i would have it?
i just...
...i don't even know where to start, or where to end...or even where a middle is....
the thing heart can see it working out...and it loves it...despite the outcome being different from my "plans"
who am i to make plans anyways?
i an extent what i do is my choice
but i think to continually ignore you're hearts destructive to your heart and your being...
there's a lot to think about right now...
i will write more tomorrow...the 'offical' reflection of this past year...
p.s. my truck may be dying...should know more in a few days
p.p.s. a kid threw up on my ride at work today...gross...but i didn't have to clean it up....thank goodness...
it was nice to feel skin again
there is so much to think about, my heart is striking out on it's own again
there's really nothing i can do except follow it...but God only knows where that will take me
it hurts sometimes
my heart does
i do have a great capacity to love people, i really do...but as i get older and live and experience...
loving people is painful sometimes... a lot of the times... but how can i not?
i know i wrote recently, frustrated about having someone...
but i'm too afraid to pursue the someones that i care for...
i'm not really sure why... i don't want to ruin what we have ...
but what if we had a chance? what if we worked out?
and what if we didn't? would we still be friends? i think so...i hope so....
i don't know...
if only i wasn't so afraid to go after what i want...maybe, i would have it?
i just...
...i don't even know where to start, or where to end...or even where a middle is....
the thing heart can see it working out...and it loves it...despite the outcome being different from my "plans"
who am i to make plans anyways?
i an extent what i do is my choice
but i think to continually ignore you're hearts destructive to your heart and your being...
there's a lot to think about right now...
i will write more tomorrow...the 'offical' reflection of this past year...
p.s. my truck may be dying...should know more in a few days
p.p.s. a kid threw up on my ride at work today...gross...but i didn't have to clean it up....thank goodness...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
today was christmas
the highlight of my christmas is always the Butterhorns that we have for breakfast...which I had intended to photograph all their yummy goodness...but they disappeared before i remembered...
I got up at quarter past headed downstairs...
everyone had gathered in the family room, 'cept my dad whom we have to drag out of bed...haha...
anyhoo, we all opened presents...the highlights of my morning
was another amazingly soft blanket ^_^ you can NEVER have too many of those! far the best present that i got...
was a VIOLIN!
i'm so excited...
so excited...
i ADORE violins...i'm excited to practice and get better...and...hee..*sigh*...
it was probably one of the best presents EVER...and i do mean EVER...
This year is almost over...just about exactly a week left...i can't believe seems like i was just celebrating 2007 yesterday...
anyhoo...more reflections on all of that later. I'm off for the night!
the highlight of my christmas is always the Butterhorns that we have for breakfast...which I had intended to photograph all their yummy goodness...but they disappeared before i remembered...
I got up at quarter past headed downstairs...
everyone had gathered in the family room, 'cept my dad whom we have to drag out of bed...haha...
anyhoo, we all opened presents...the highlights of my morning
was another amazingly soft blanket ^_^ you can NEVER have too many of those! far the best present that i got...
was a VIOLIN!
i'm so excited...
so excited...
i ADORE violins...i'm excited to practice and get better...and...hee..*sigh*...
it was probably one of the best presents EVER...and i do mean EVER...
This year is almost over...just about exactly a week left...i can't believe seems like i was just celebrating 2007 yesterday...
anyhoo...more reflections on all of that later. I'm off for the night!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Break! :D morning i took my last exam, passed it :D and was done at like...10am...
now what? and jordan went to BK for breakfast...that was a roaring good time! I really wish we would have had a video camera recording that little was SO Funny!...and frightening at times...o_o...jordan was driving.....she thought she'd try and race past a guy up westnedge hill to get around him...but she was in the turn lane..and well...we didn't make it... o_o...i covered my eyes...haha...
so..we finally make it to BK...and they have these AMAZING little bitsize hashbrown things...O_O SO GOOD!...i'd never had them before...and i also got some french toast sticks...and hot chocolate...
now...i don't usually like BK...but their breakfast...kicks butt...
then..i really don't remember what i did...i may have gone to wal-mart at somepoint...yes...later that night...i went to wal-mart and the library...
oh! and i watched Anna & The's really good! i ADORE that's not quite the same as the King and I...and bit more dramatic and intense...but still very good!!!
and then! ha...i got my camera out...
now...i was gonna just upload all of these...but for whatever reason the blogger uploader HATES my computer....and never loads them...SO...i used Picasa instead :D
now what? and jordan went to BK for breakfast...that was a roaring good time! I really wish we would have had a video camera recording that little was SO Funny!...and frightening at times...o_o...jordan was driving.....she thought she'd try and race past a guy up westnedge hill to get around him...but she was in the turn lane..and well...we didn't make it... o_o...i covered my eyes...haha...
so..we finally make it to BK...and they have these AMAZING little bitsize hashbrown things...O_O SO GOOD!...i'd never had them before...and i also got some french toast sticks...and hot chocolate...
now...i don't usually like BK...but their breakfast...kicks butt...
then..i really don't remember what i did...i may have gone to wal-mart at somepoint...yes...later that night...i went to wal-mart and the library...
oh! and i watched Anna & The's really good! i ADORE that's not quite the same as the King and I...and bit more dramatic and intense...but still very good!!!
and then! ha...i got my camera out...
now...i was gonna just upload all of these...but for whatever reason the blogger uploader HATES my computer....and never loads them...SO...i used Picasa instead :D
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
in the wee hours of the morning
so as i sit here drinking hawaiian punch from a mason jar....i've come to several realizations...
the first being...i blog a LOT...but it's ok...i'm cool with it....i enjoy looking back on them....
usually laughing at them...
I've spent about the last 2 hours on a forum in DeviantArt...a "help with life" forum...
it's fascinating....truly...the things people post on there...
some of them are just so sincerely heartbreaking
i seem to thrive off of just...loving people...(not in a weird romantic way...)
but like a friend...i'm certain that everyone needs a real friend...
and i'm not saying that i can be that to everyone...cause i certainly can't...
but to the people that i care about, or come across...there is a certain compassion and empathy that i just can't ever shake...
it was interesting, that as i'm browsing about this forum, offering honest support where i can...
thompson IMed me...there's something up with cindy, i'm not exactly sure what...i haven't spoken to her since before i left for mackinac...and I don't usually give her a second thought...but i've realized that my loyalty runs much deeper than my pride...
despite myself i can never deny old friends....well...friendship...even when i say i want nothing to do with them, if they need me i can't help but be there for would be to go against my nature to ignore them...
i'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing....
just been doing a lot of thinking these days...probably too much...
also in the forums i ran across a girl who's about my age...the title to her post was..."always a friend, never the girlfriend." we are so in the same one ever asks us out, she's never been kissed...(i hadn't until just this summer) , no one "Notices" us....really...
i would love to just be noticed...which...i mean...i sort of have, but not really...not anything that counts...not by anyone that would actually go somewhere with it....ergh...i am just so tired of's always..."Oh the right person will come when the time is right"
fuck that...i'm sick of waiting...
i hate it that it seems like everyone around me 'has someone'
i hate that i go out with friends or to the mall or just wherever...and see people together...and i wonder..."what's that girl got that i haven't?" sucks...
it may seem self-centered...but i think i'm decent looking, i know i've got a wonderful personality, i'm easy to get along with, i've got tons of great talents....what the hell is the problem?
and again...none of that...."mr.right" shit....that just doesn't cut it anymore....there aren't even any "mr.wrongs"
waiting SUCKS
its dumb
i hate it
the first being...i blog a LOT...but it's ok...i'm cool with it....i enjoy looking back on them....
usually laughing at them...
I've spent about the last 2 hours on a forum in DeviantArt...a "help with life" forum...
it's fascinating....truly...the things people post on there...
some of them are just so sincerely heartbreaking
i seem to thrive off of just...loving people...(not in a weird romantic way...)
but like a friend...i'm certain that everyone needs a real friend...
and i'm not saying that i can be that to everyone...cause i certainly can't...
but to the people that i care about, or come across...there is a certain compassion and empathy that i just can't ever shake...
it was interesting, that as i'm browsing about this forum, offering honest support where i can...
thompson IMed me...there's something up with cindy, i'm not exactly sure what...i haven't spoken to her since before i left for mackinac...and I don't usually give her a second thought...but i've realized that my loyalty runs much deeper than my pride...
despite myself i can never deny old friends....well...friendship...even when i say i want nothing to do with them, if they need me i can't help but be there for would be to go against my nature to ignore them...
i'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing....
just been doing a lot of thinking these days...probably too much...
also in the forums i ran across a girl who's about my age...the title to her post was..."always a friend, never the girlfriend." we are so in the same one ever asks us out, she's never been kissed...(i hadn't until just this summer) , no one "Notices" us....really...
i would love to just be noticed...which...i mean...i sort of have, but not really...not anything that counts...not by anyone that would actually go somewhere with it....ergh...i am just so tired of's always..."Oh the right person will come when the time is right"
fuck that...i'm sick of waiting...
i hate it that it seems like everyone around me 'has someone'
i hate that i go out with friends or to the mall or just wherever...and see people together...and i wonder..."what's that girl got that i haven't?" sucks...
it may seem self-centered...but i think i'm decent looking, i know i've got a wonderful personality, i'm easy to get along with, i've got tons of great talents....what the hell is the problem?
and again...none of that...."mr.right" shit....that just doesn't cut it anymore....there aren't even any "mr.wrongs"
waiting SUCKS
its dumb
i hate it
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
there is just something about...
dancing with someone
it's not really very hard
but dancing is wonderful
there is just something about two people moving about to music
his hand on your waist
your hand on his shoulder
the smell of his cologne
i just love it
i think though, that it is quite obvious...dancers show up over and over and over again in my artwork...really i could draw dancers all day...and i would be quite content if that was all i ever drew...
it's not really very hard
but dancing is wonderful
there is just something about two people moving about to music
his hand on your waist
your hand on his shoulder
the smell of his cologne
i just love it
i think though, that it is quite obvious...dancers show up over and over and over again in my artwork...really i could draw dancers all day...and i would be quite content if that was all i ever drew...
Monday, December 17, 2007
one week almost exactly
it's doesn't really seem like christmas...i'm not sure why...
my family doesn't really make a big deal out of christmas...i mean, we definetly celebrate it...but the days leading up to it...are...well...normal. We don't decorate the house much...
i'm pretty sure that when i move out and do my own christmas thing...the house will be decked out from top to bottom...with greenery and lights and santas and nativitys...and cookies... :D cookies are a must...
I ordered the Adobe Creative Suite!!! *drool* it should be here in the next week or so, i hope...o_o..........i'll be waiting anxiously until then....just imagine....all the amazing things i can do....o_o....
it's almost 2008....
i don't know what happened to 2007...
it was over so quickly....i'm sure there'll be much more reflection upon that soon....haha before New Years...i hope :/
I finished my last night at Full City tonight!!! THANK GOD IT'S DONE!'s such a not have to worry about that...or wait on tables...or put up with asshole bosses....woohoo!!!
ok...i'm last final tomorrow morning, then an afternoon running around town with Jordan and we are FREE....well...until Jan 6... but next semester should be fun...and if not least enlightening...haha...
for real though...i'm done :)
my family doesn't really make a big deal out of christmas...i mean, we definetly celebrate it...but the days leading up to it...are...well...normal. We don't decorate the house much...
i'm pretty sure that when i move out and do my own christmas thing...the house will be decked out from top to bottom...with greenery and lights and santas and nativitys...and cookies... :D cookies are a must...
I ordered the Adobe Creative Suite!!! *drool* it should be here in the next week or so, i hope...o_o..........i'll be waiting anxiously until then....just imagine....all the amazing things i can do....o_o....
it's almost 2008....
i don't know what happened to 2007...
it was over so quickly....i'm sure there'll be much more reflection upon that soon....haha before New Years...i hope :/
I finished my last night at Full City tonight!!! THANK GOD IT'S DONE!'s such a not have to worry about that...or wait on tables...or put up with asshole bosses....woohoo!!!
ok...i'm last final tomorrow morning, then an afternoon running around town with Jordan and we are FREE....well...until Jan 6... but next semester should be fun...and if not least enlightening...haha...
for real though...i'm done :)
Saturday, December 15, 2007
10 days...or 8 days 3 hours 32min and 25 secongs....
depending on which countdown you go buy....
seriously...there are less than 10 days until christmas! O_O oy....i don't know where fall has gone...
seems like i just got home yesterday....and's christmas...
for serious....
i still need to get something for my nephew...i dunno what to get for a 1.58 year old....he likes things that move...hmmm...
woohoo! i get to go to the Toy Aisle! :D
i baked some yummy cookies yesterday...
i tweaked a recipe and now have a super delicious suger-rum cookie recipe...pretty sure it'd be better with real rum...haha
also managed to nearly duplicate the Williamsburg Gingerbread cookies...those are TASTY... :D
getting ready to send out DVDS from the summer...i gotta make the covers on monday, and i'll hopefully mail them monday as well....i'm afraid the Post Office will be crazy...o_o...i'm a little bit scared to go...haha...but i only have one package to send and the rest are envelopes...
as soon as i get my eligibility cleared, i'm getting the Adobe Creative Suite for....$'s a $1200 program :D i love being a student....
had my first 'offical' day at work today...the Air was great...pushed buttons...all day...or read...that was great too...
got my first paycheck from them too....i definetly got at least twice as much for working just a little over a day, than i got my first two weeks at Full City...
My grandparents were over the last few days, and my grandma helped me hem up all the ruffles on my they're all cut and hemmed and i've got...i think 5 rows on now!!! YAY! that's really what was holding me up....that whole hemming sucks...but not anymore ^_^
so yeah...i'm pretty's not going to be the best dress ever, there's lots of little learning mistakes, but i do think it'll turn out ok and the colors will look fabulous on me :D
oy...only two days left of school...then my first semester of college is OVER! O_O exciting...
i think that's really all for now... :-/
seriously...there are less than 10 days until christmas! O_O oy....i don't know where fall has gone...
seems like i just got home yesterday....and's christmas...
for serious....
i still need to get something for my nephew...i dunno what to get for a 1.58 year old....he likes things that move...hmmm...
woohoo! i get to go to the Toy Aisle! :D
i baked some yummy cookies yesterday...
i tweaked a recipe and now have a super delicious suger-rum cookie recipe...pretty sure it'd be better with real rum...haha
also managed to nearly duplicate the Williamsburg Gingerbread cookies...those are TASTY... :D
getting ready to send out DVDS from the summer...i gotta make the covers on monday, and i'll hopefully mail them monday as well....i'm afraid the Post Office will be crazy...o_o...i'm a little bit scared to go...haha...but i only have one package to send and the rest are envelopes...
as soon as i get my eligibility cleared, i'm getting the Adobe Creative Suite for....$'s a $1200 program :D i love being a student....
had my first 'offical' day at work today...the Air was great...pushed buttons...all day...or read...that was great too...
got my first paycheck from them too....i definetly got at least twice as much for working just a little over a day, than i got my first two weeks at Full City...
My grandparents were over the last few days, and my grandma helped me hem up all the ruffles on my they're all cut and hemmed and i've got...i think 5 rows on now!!! YAY! that's really what was holding me up....that whole hemming sucks...but not anymore ^_^
so yeah...i'm pretty's not going to be the best dress ever, there's lots of little learning mistakes, but i do think it'll turn out ok and the colors will look fabulous on me :D
oy...only two days left of school...then my first semester of college is OVER! O_O exciting...
i think that's really all for now... :-/
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
there will probably be more of these....
Your Birth Month is April |
You are trustworthy and highly ethical in all facets of life. Helpful and steady, you are able to solve any problem. Your soul reflects: Bliss, playfulness, and curiosity Your gemstone: Diamond Your flower: Sweet Pea Your colors: Yellow and red |
You've Got a Bit of a Crush |
Maybe your guy friend is a crush of convenience - easy enough to happen Did you just break up with someone? Or are you more lonely than usual? If no to both, then this small crush could be the real deal. Find out if he feels the same - because he just might! |
You Have Many Alpha Tendencies |
You're not a total alpha female, but you certainly know how to - and like to - get your way. You're forceful without being intimidating. You're confident without being vain. A perfect mix. |
You're Confident...Sometimes |
You can seem confident when the occasion calls for it But inside you may be experiencing a bit of self doubt A little more inner confidence could take you far... And convince others that you're as confident as you try to seem |
You Belong in 1950 |
You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in! |
(i'm pretty sure i acutally should have been alive another 30-100 years earlier... :-/ )
You Are Great With Money |
You know the value of a dollar - and you save and spend wisely. By living below your means, you've set yourself up for a rich future. And while it may hurt to sacrifice now, you'll probably have plenty of money later on. You're on your way to riches - just keep it up. |
ok...last one i promise.. :D
You Are 30% Scary |
You scare men off ocassionaly, but only very weak men. You're a normal woman. You're not perfect, but you're pretty darn close. |
-------------- seriously...what's the deal...where are all the good guys? the cool ones? the ones who aren't obnoxious, or weird, or creepy, or smelly...or...well the list goes on...
*sigh* of these days... of these days....
i know he's out there
it's that whole intuition thing again....
which has been serving me very well :P
i know where it comes from, and i am totally blessed to have it ^_^
i have come to the realization today too, that i am also very blessed to have the security of knowing that no matter what happens God is going to take care of me. He's shown that to me over and over and over again, especially in the last year...he knows what he's doing, and i will go wherever he wants me to go, and he'll take care of me...always. i'm so glad that i can say that in honest confidence....
my friend Jordan and I have been house-hunting a bit, looking for a place to rent...
not really sure what's going to happen with all that...i'll know soon whether or not i'm gonna move out...
there's still a lot to think about and a lot to look into...and there's the whole matter of roomates and whatnot... :-/
anyhoo, i'm sure i'll be writing again soon...
Sunday, December 9, 2007
i concur
this weekend came and went all to quickly
i don't recall when it was that i wrote...thursday?
yes, we'll go with that...
friday morning i did my final presentation...the "Hugs" which i've been meaning to post in some fashion...
it went well, one kid said he wished the service actually exsisted, a fine compliment :)
then i went to orientation for the Air Zoo...that place really be a much better job for me
friday old boss didn't think i'd show up to work at Full City....ha...i did...but i only made about $20...lame...
saturday morning i got up and headed to the Air Zoo, was there by 9am...trained all day...
it's really very simple and i had the hang of all the rides after like...the first time i did it...heh...'s a very simple job...pretty much just push buttons and make sure nobody dies...but it'll be worthwhile. i hope. in any case it'll do to last me until spring.
gah...that's all i think about...Mackinac Island...things i'll do differently next year...things i'd like to do again...there is so much, i should really start writing it all down...
Nog Fest was...interesting. ...well, let me explain...
got there a lil after 8pm...exhausted...but there nonetheless...
i was pretty happy that i knew a good chunk of the people there...i hadn't realized how many of trace's friends i had met.
but then...there are just some people that should not be allowed to drink...seriously...
one guy...who nobody really knew...was probably one of the most obnoxious drunks i've ever met...and i don't usually mind drunks... :-/ but this guy....ergh...just...annoying...then he left :D
i did drink a little bit...had a glass of nog and kahlua...but it really didn't do was a little dissapointing...haha...well...i take that back...i think it made me sleepier... :p i still don't know what a larger volume of alchol does to me...not really sure when i want to find out either...definetly with exeperienced people that i trust... though i'm not in any particular rush...i rather like having my wits about me :)
after all the..'extra' people left... (i.e. people i didn't really know, and didn't particularly care for) i had a lot more fun. we danced a bit....that was lots of fun...made me a little bit sad...reminded me of dancing at the Grand Hotel...(what did i say...ALWAYS thinking about the island!) but it was fun :D hmm...i don't really remember what all else happened...
we pulled out the couches and bunked down for the night...4 out of 5 times he picks me over her...don't really think it means much...not anymore...but it was something i had noticed at first...
there is just something so wonderful about waking up and cuddling with someone, before the day starts, before you have to worry about can
i wish i could have stayed longer...
but at this point my job gets priority...
i wish i could have been in two places at once...but i think he's doing ok...for now...i'll catch up with him later this week...and i think the cookies helped :) cookies always help :D
when i talked to Brent the other day, we talked a bit about people and to places and how that can often make things is so true...i fell in love with a place and a lifestyle and a few wonderful people this summer, and i would give the world to have it again...truly...i would give anything to be back there...i don't see myself returning for years on end, but i'd like to have a good run...get it out of my system...or fall in love with another place and lifestyle...
kalamazoo does not hold much of a future for me...and i'm ok with that...i'm not really sure what i want to do once i finish school...i'm not really sure where i want to go...not even sure that i care where i go, so long as it's not here...a part of me wishes i'd be involved with someone so i could just go wherever they are...but that also seems like a bit of a copout...
i've thought about going to a city...chicago or new york...but i'm not sure if i'm cut out for city life...especially new york...guess i won't know until i try...
i've recently become very interested in the history of things...and in old things...maybe i'll go somewhere with that...
i don't know if i'm actually cut out for graphic design... i mean... i can do it and all, but i don't know that i'm really any good... i wish i could find someone who would honestly critique my work, all aspects of it...
hmm...i've probably written enough for tonight...and i should probably go to sleep...i'm very tired...if i don't stop i shall have written an entire novel by the time i finish...haha...
anyways...what did i say? a wonderful wonderful week...i do treasure these moments through all the boredom in the weeks that follow these few special ones...
yeah...bedtime..i'm getting dramatic... :P
i don't recall when it was that i wrote...thursday?
yes, we'll go with that...
friday morning i did my final presentation...the "Hugs" which i've been meaning to post in some fashion...
it went well, one kid said he wished the service actually exsisted, a fine compliment :)
then i went to orientation for the Air Zoo...that place really be a much better job for me
friday old boss didn't think i'd show up to work at Full City....ha...i did...but i only made about $20...lame...
saturday morning i got up and headed to the Air Zoo, was there by 9am...trained all day...
it's really very simple and i had the hang of all the rides after like...the first time i did it...heh...'s a very simple job...pretty much just push buttons and make sure nobody dies...but it'll be worthwhile. i hope. in any case it'll do to last me until spring.
gah...that's all i think about...Mackinac Island...things i'll do differently next year...things i'd like to do again...there is so much, i should really start writing it all down...
Nog Fest was...interesting. ...well, let me explain...
got there a lil after 8pm...exhausted...but there nonetheless...
i was pretty happy that i knew a good chunk of the people there...i hadn't realized how many of trace's friends i had met.
but then...there are just some people that should not be allowed to drink...seriously...
one guy...who nobody really knew...was probably one of the most obnoxious drunks i've ever met...and i don't usually mind drunks... :-/ but this guy....ergh...just...annoying...then he left :D
i did drink a little bit...had a glass of nog and kahlua...but it really didn't do was a little dissapointing...haha...well...i take that back...i think it made me sleepier... :p i still don't know what a larger volume of alchol does to me...not really sure when i want to find out either...definetly with exeperienced people that i trust... though i'm not in any particular rush...i rather like having my wits about me :)
after all the..'extra' people left... (i.e. people i didn't really know, and didn't particularly care for) i had a lot more fun. we danced a bit....that was lots of fun...made me a little bit sad...reminded me of dancing at the Grand Hotel...(what did i say...ALWAYS thinking about the island!) but it was fun :D hmm...i don't really remember what all else happened...
we pulled out the couches and bunked down for the night...4 out of 5 times he picks me over her...don't really think it means much...not anymore...but it was something i had noticed at first...
there is just something so wonderful about waking up and cuddling with someone, before the day starts, before you have to worry about can
i wish i could have stayed longer...
but at this point my job gets priority...
i wish i could have been in two places at once...but i think he's doing ok...for now...i'll catch up with him later this week...and i think the cookies helped :) cookies always help :D
when i talked to Brent the other day, we talked a bit about people and to places and how that can often make things is so true...i fell in love with a place and a lifestyle and a few wonderful people this summer, and i would give the world to have it again...truly...i would give anything to be back there...i don't see myself returning for years on end, but i'd like to have a good run...get it out of my system...or fall in love with another place and lifestyle...
kalamazoo does not hold much of a future for me...and i'm ok with that...i'm not really sure what i want to do once i finish school...i'm not really sure where i want to go...not even sure that i care where i go, so long as it's not here...a part of me wishes i'd be involved with someone so i could just go wherever they are...but that also seems like a bit of a copout...
i've thought about going to a city...chicago or new york...but i'm not sure if i'm cut out for city life...especially new york...guess i won't know until i try...
i've recently become very interested in the history of things...and in old things...maybe i'll go somewhere with that...
i don't know if i'm actually cut out for graphic design... i mean... i can do it and all, but i don't know that i'm really any good... i wish i could find someone who would honestly critique my work, all aspects of it...
hmm...i've probably written enough for tonight...and i should probably go to sleep...i'm very tired...if i don't stop i shall have written an entire novel by the time i finish...haha...
anyways...what did i say? a wonderful wonderful week...i do treasure these moments through all the boredom in the weeks that follow these few special ones...
yeah...bedtime..i'm getting dramatic... :P
Thursday, December 6, 2007
this week=amazing
holy crap
i heard from Brent today!!! that was really exciting! we talked for almost 2 hours O_O but it was SO good to talk to him again, i really miss talking to him, it's always fantastic conversations, he has very wonderful insights :)
i'm basically finished with my Hugs project and will do the final presentation tomorrow, then all i'll have to do is turn in the print version on monday :D
i found this WONDERFUL bookstore today! floor to ceiling shelves crammed with all sorts of books. there's also TONS of old books! reasonably priced too :)
i got two books from the 1880s, one is "The American Housewife Cook Book" it's awesome, and i also got "Home and Health and Home Economics" what better way to learn about housewives of that time then to read the books they did?
The introduction to the Cook book is incredible:
"God gave food, but man made cooks; and cooked food, the result, is like all attempts at blending the perfect with the imperfect, in the main, a failure. Now and then some inspired being arises capable of demonstrating the wonderful pitch of excellence to which cookery may be carried; but when these creatures instinct with culinary inspiration die, their mantle rarely falls upon worthy shoulders, and darkness settles down again for a season upon the world of pts and pans. Absolute genius in cookery is rare, for genius is a birth-right and cannot be attained by study, however laborious and persevering; but culinary talent is latent in almost every human being, and needs only proper stimulation to arrive at any reasonable development. Yet it is safe to say, that from Greenland's icy pemmican to the under done missionary of the torrid zone, the major portion of the food consumed by mankind is unpalatably and unwholesomely prepared; not intentionally, but simply because people do now know any better. As civilization advances, the need for practical reform in this matter constantly manifest, and spasmodic sporadic attempts are being made throughout Christendom to achieve a better order of things in the department of the kitchen. The primal source of bad cookery lies in the failure to recognize the fact that knowledge of cooking, like all other arts, must be acquired by study-is not, in other words, a natural attribute. "
(now this is the best part)
"For some reason which has yet to be explained, there is popular belief in the absolute potentiality of all women, with or without instruction to cook food in such manner as will render it acceptable to the t aste, and meet for the wholesome subsistence of man. This belief is wholly unfounded. It is true that the average woman does possess the elements essential to culinary excellence-patience, nice sense of taste and smell, and that superior, intuitive judgment which enables her to unravel such mysteries as "seasoning of taste." and "adding enough flour to make a good dough" -but, unless these elements are brought into homogeneous by actual experimentation, they are neither more not less than theoretical nonentities. With the earnestness of purpose and absolute concentration of mind upon her task, the owman who would cook must give herself up to serious study under competent instructors, and it is safe to say, that while by this means, only the exceptional woman will rise to greatness, the average woman will achieve a measure of success which will fit her shine as the care-taker of a household.
But here is another difficulty of procuring that competent instruction which is necessary to quicken the embryonic culinary idea. In comparatively few households, we regret to say, is exemplary cooking to be found, for the kitchens of america are cursed by the pie dish and the frying pan, and their out-put, to an extent which, in the aggregate is horrifying in one or another sort of mucilaginous* or oleaginous* compound provacative of dyspepsia*. So our girls grow up with their latent talent undeveloped; grow up, themselves dyspeptic, to marry dyspeptic husbands, and raise a generation of unfortunate beings with utterly disordered insides."
haha...i love the last description of the majority of food in america...
*mu-ci-lage (noun): A viscous secretion or bodily fluid, an adhesive solution; gum or glue
*o-le-ag-i-nous (adjective) : rich in, covered with, or producing oily; oily or greasy
*dyspepsia: indigestion
love it. love the bit about how woman are expected to know how to cook naturally...i think many people know that this is not the case...just because you're a woman does not mean you know how to cook...or that you cook well...
it is pretty true in my case...i feel i'm a pretty good cook :)
this week only gets better...this weekend should be good too!
holy crap
i heard from Brent today!!! that was really exciting! we talked for almost 2 hours O_O but it was SO good to talk to him again, i really miss talking to him, it's always fantastic conversations, he has very wonderful insights :)
i'm basically finished with my Hugs project and will do the final presentation tomorrow, then all i'll have to do is turn in the print version on monday :D
i found this WONDERFUL bookstore today! floor to ceiling shelves crammed with all sorts of books. there's also TONS of old books! reasonably priced too :)
i got two books from the 1880s, one is "The American Housewife Cook Book" it's awesome, and i also got "Home and Health and Home Economics" what better way to learn about housewives of that time then to read the books they did?
The introduction to the Cook book is incredible:
"God gave food, but man made cooks; and cooked food, the result, is like all attempts at blending the perfect with the imperfect, in the main, a failure. Now and then some inspired being arises capable of demonstrating the wonderful pitch of excellence to which cookery may be carried; but when these creatures instinct with culinary inspiration die, their mantle rarely falls upon worthy shoulders, and darkness settles down again for a season upon the world of pts and pans. Absolute genius in cookery is rare, for genius is a birth-right and cannot be attained by study, however laborious and persevering; but culinary talent is latent in almost every human being, and needs only proper stimulation to arrive at any reasonable development. Yet it is safe to say, that from Greenland's icy pemmican to the under done missionary of the torrid zone, the major portion of the food consumed by mankind is unpalatably and unwholesomely prepared; not intentionally, but simply because people do now know any better. As civilization advances, the need for practical reform in this matter constantly manifest, and spasmodic sporadic attempts are being made throughout Christendom to achieve a better order of things in the department of the kitchen. The primal source of bad cookery lies in the failure to recognize the fact that knowledge of cooking, like all other arts, must be acquired by study-is not, in other words, a natural attribute. "
(now this is the best part)
"For some reason which has yet to be explained, there is popular belief in the absolute potentiality of all women, with or without instruction to cook food in such manner as will render it acceptable to the t aste, and meet for the wholesome subsistence of man. This belief is wholly unfounded. It is true that the average woman does possess the elements essential to culinary excellence-patience, nice sense of taste and smell, and that superior, intuitive judgment which enables her to unravel such mysteries as "seasoning of taste." and "adding enough flour to make a good dough" -but, unless these elements are brought into homogeneous by actual experimentation, they are neither more not less than theoretical nonentities. With the earnestness of purpose and absolute concentration of mind upon her task, the owman who would cook must give herself up to serious study under competent instructors, and it is safe to say, that while by this means, only the exceptional woman will rise to greatness, the average woman will achieve a measure of success which will fit her shine as the care-taker of a household.
But here is another difficulty of procuring that competent instruction which is necessary to quicken the embryonic culinary idea. In comparatively few households, we regret to say, is exemplary cooking to be found, for the kitchens of america are cursed by the pie dish and the frying pan, and their out-put, to an extent which, in the aggregate is horrifying in one or another sort of mucilaginous* or oleaginous* compound provacative of dyspepsia*. So our girls grow up with their latent talent undeveloped; grow up, themselves dyspeptic, to marry dyspeptic husbands, and raise a generation of unfortunate beings with utterly disordered insides."
haha...i love the last description of the majority of food in america...
*mu-ci-lage (noun): A viscous secretion or bodily fluid, an adhesive solution; gum or glue
*o-le-ag-i-nous (adjective) : rich in, covered with, or producing oily; oily or greasy
*dyspepsia: indigestion
love it. love the bit about how woman are expected to know how to cook naturally...i think many people know that this is not the case...just because you're a woman does not mean you know how to cook...or that you cook well...
it is pretty true in my case...i feel i'm a pretty good cook :)
this week only gets better...this weekend should be good too!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
It's that time of year, when the world falls in love
what did i say? was this gonna be a good week or what?
so far...really good.
where to start...i don't recall where i left let's start with yesterday.
classes...haha...i was pretty ridiculous in my morning class...i couldn't focus...and was just...A.D.D....
but i did actually end of getting A LOT done...and i'm really happy with how my project is coming out!
then i went and had coffee with nate...that was very good...the conversation not the did end up being a little emotional, but everything is going to work out, and it's all going to be ok. God knows what he's doing...even though we don't.
i am however curious to see how all of these things play out.
there is lots and lots of change going on these days. and i realize that i say that quite a bit around this time of year...but it's always true!
ok but here's the real exciting news of the day
I got a call from the Air Zoo today....
i start on friday! :D
put in my two weeks notice at work today. SO excited! SO excited...holy crap..
you have no idea
this i feel is going to be a much better place for me
better hours for next semester, and won't get in the way of nights out and about, or not.
in any case it's gonna be a good experience.
tomorrow is nate's birthday :)
i'm going shopping with nicole tomorrow...i think i'll do a bit of shopping on my own too...
i need to get some eggnog and whatnot for saturday
i think i might look for a new shirt too...
need to get my christmas shopping done... ~_~ ugh
i'm presenting my "Hugs" project in the lab on friday, feeling pretty good about it.
hmm...i think that's really all for now...the rest of the week should be good! :)
so far...really good.
where to start...i don't recall where i left let's start with yesterday.
classes...haha...i was pretty ridiculous in my morning class...i couldn't focus...and was just...A.D.D....
but i did actually end of getting A LOT done...and i'm really happy with how my project is coming out!
then i went and had coffee with nate...that was very good...the conversation not the did end up being a little emotional, but everything is going to work out, and it's all going to be ok. God knows what he's doing...even though we don't.
i am however curious to see how all of these things play out.
there is lots and lots of change going on these days. and i realize that i say that quite a bit around this time of year...but it's always true!
ok but here's the real exciting news of the day
I got a call from the Air Zoo today....
i start on friday! :D
put in my two weeks notice at work today. SO excited! SO excited...holy crap..
you have no idea
this i feel is going to be a much better place for me
better hours for next semester, and won't get in the way of nights out and about, or not.
in any case it's gonna be a good experience.
tomorrow is nate's birthday :)
i'm going shopping with nicole tomorrow...i think i'll do a bit of shopping on my own too...
i need to get some eggnog and whatnot for saturday
i think i might look for a new shirt too...
need to get my christmas shopping done... ~_~ ugh
i'm presenting my "Hugs" project in the lab on friday, feeling pretty good about it.
hmm...i think that's really all for now...the rest of the week should be good! :)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
rustling underwear is sexy
true story, in the 1900's a woman wore underwear that "rustled" because it was sexy...
i don't think that's so true anymore....
i have come to the realization however that i really do have a certain affinity for old things
particularly the late 18th, 19th and early 20th century...
i find it incredible the differences between life and living as the years progress.
and truly love the "old-fashioned" style of, just about everything. i realize that as a woman i would be very limited in what i could do. nonetheless there's nothing like a good day of hard work...
i also realize that many of my notions of life "back-in-the-day" is probably rather romantic, but a girl's allowed to dream...
back to the 21st century;
i feel like this is going to be a good week. tomorrow bodes well, despite all the work i've got to do...
tuesday is already great cause i'm having coffee with nate after class...
wednesday if not sooner will be a big day, when i find out whether or not i got the job at the Air Zoo...and if it's the case that i do, which i REALLY REALLY hope i do, then i can also put in my 2 weeks notice at Full City...that would be so wonderful, though work there has been better. money's not much better, but the work is. i think i've finally gotten onto keiths good side. which is always nice. but still...leaving there would be...wonderful...
the interview for the air zoo went really well. My job would be a ride operator...a costumed ride operator! :D 9-5 job, at least min wage. maybe more. and if it's really slow i can read or listen to my ipod or work on hw...which would be very helpful!!! work, one class...haha nough said.
friday, may or may not work. if i don't work then i'm going to an Art Show at which i submitted a few pieces...
saturday...heh...that will be fun...i'm going to Nog Fest at Fiona's...Trace and all them'll be there. ooo...i've got to make an ornament for Fiona's Tree before then...
i believe me and my family are going to go and get the christmas tree that afternoon...
so yeah...this week is looking good.
i started putting the ruffles on my Fort Dress....O_O that is going to take FOREVER....and at the end of this week i've got to pack up my sewing stuff until the holidays are over... :(
but i like how it's coming along so far...i'm REALLY excited to wear it!!! i've been pondering a corset too...i don't think i'll make one, but i might buy one...i think they make for better silhouettes...and the dresses fit like their supposed to...
i've been talking to this guy who's a friend of Fiona and Trace that i met last week. He lives in New York and is a Graphic Designer, pretty interesting guy we have quite a bit in common.
he's a good connection to have :D
i'm getting better at this whole networking thing...slowly...but surely...
oh! p.s. really cool website
you can publish your own's really cool!
i'm working on two books...a Mackinac Book...that tells my personal story of the summer, i think a nice memento to have with all the pictures and stories in one place...
and they've got a feature where you can import blogs...such as this one to publish. I've always wanted to have my blogs in a print version, mostly because i tend to blog more than physically journal, but it would be nice to have an actual copy of it, like a diary.
i think that's all for tonight...i will probably update as the week goes on...
hopefully everything goes well!!!!
i don't think that's so true anymore....
i have come to the realization however that i really do have a certain affinity for old things
particularly the late 18th, 19th and early 20th century...
i find it incredible the differences between life and living as the years progress.
and truly love the "old-fashioned" style of, just about everything. i realize that as a woman i would be very limited in what i could do. nonetheless there's nothing like a good day of hard work...
i also realize that many of my notions of life "back-in-the-day" is probably rather romantic, but a girl's allowed to dream...
back to the 21st century;
i feel like this is going to be a good week. tomorrow bodes well, despite all the work i've got to do...
tuesday is already great cause i'm having coffee with nate after class...
wednesday if not sooner will be a big day, when i find out whether or not i got the job at the Air Zoo...and if it's the case that i do, which i REALLY REALLY hope i do, then i can also put in my 2 weeks notice at Full City...that would be so wonderful, though work there has been better. money's not much better, but the work is. i think i've finally gotten onto keiths good side. which is always nice. but still...leaving there would be...wonderful...
the interview for the air zoo went really well. My job would be a ride operator...a costumed ride operator! :D 9-5 job, at least min wage. maybe more. and if it's really slow i can read or listen to my ipod or work on hw...which would be very helpful!!! work, one class...haha nough said.
friday, may or may not work. if i don't work then i'm going to an Art Show at which i submitted a few pieces...
saturday...heh...that will be fun...i'm going to Nog Fest at Fiona's...Trace and all them'll be there. ooo...i've got to make an ornament for Fiona's Tree before then...
i believe me and my family are going to go and get the christmas tree that afternoon...
so yeah...this week is looking good.
i started putting the ruffles on my Fort Dress....O_O that is going to take FOREVER....and at the end of this week i've got to pack up my sewing stuff until the holidays are over... :(
but i like how it's coming along so far...i'm REALLY excited to wear it!!! i've been pondering a corset too...i don't think i'll make one, but i might buy one...i think they make for better silhouettes...and the dresses fit like their supposed to...
i've been talking to this guy who's a friend of Fiona and Trace that i met last week. He lives in New York and is a Graphic Designer, pretty interesting guy we have quite a bit in common.
he's a good connection to have :D
i'm getting better at this whole networking thing...slowly...but surely...
oh! p.s. really cool website
you can publish your own's really cool!
i'm working on two books...a Mackinac Book...that tells my personal story of the summer, i think a nice memento to have with all the pictures and stories in one place...
and they've got a feature where you can import blogs...such as this one to publish. I've always wanted to have my blogs in a print version, mostly because i tend to blog more than physically journal, but it would be nice to have an actual copy of it, like a diary.
i think that's all for tonight...i will probably update as the week goes on...
hopefully everything goes well!!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
My Beloved Place
"We saw a white speck before us. It was the barracks of Mackinac stretching along the side of the green hills and clearly visible before the town came into view. The Island looked enchanting as we approached, as I think it always must, though we had the advantage of seeing it first in the most golden sunshine that ever hallowed lake or shore. The colors were upon all the little vessels in the harbor. The national flag streamed from the garrison. The soldiers thronged the walls of the barracks: half-breed boys were paddling about in their canoes, in the transparent waters: the half French, half Indian population of the place were all abroad in their best. An Indian lodge was on the shore and a picturesque dark group stood beside it. The cows coming down the steep slope to the milking. Nothing could be more bright and joyous."
"No words can give an idea of the charms of this morning walk. We wound about in a vast shrubbery with ripe strawberries under foot, wild flowers all around, and scattered knolls; and opening vistas tempting curiosity in every direction."
"Such a cluster of little paradises rising out of such a congregation of waters. Blue waters in every direction, wholly unlike any aspect of the sea: cloud shadows and specks of white vessels. Bowery islands rise out of it, bowery promontories stretch down into it; while at ones feet lies the melting beauty which one almost fears will vanish in its softness before one's eyes; the beauty of the shadowy dells and sunny mounds, with browsing cattle and springing fruit and flowers. Thus would I fain think did the world emerge from the flood."
"We were in great delight at having seen Mackinac, at having the possession of it's singular imagery of life. But this delight was dashed with it's sorrow of leaving it. I could not have believed how deeply it is possible to regret a place, after so brief an acquaintance with it."
"It is known to me as the wildest and tenderest piece of beauty that I have yet seen on God's earth."
-Harriet Martineau describing Mackinac Island
Thought I would share that...
a year ago today i never would have dreamed that I would have fallen in love with that place
There is not a day that goes by that i don't think about Mackinac Island, about the people that i met, and the place and the history, about next year.
This experience and these memories i've created and will continue to create are going to last me a lifetime.
And for that I am so grateful, the summer away changed who I am, and despite my moments of despair and melancholy, i wouldn't trade anything for the world...
i do believe that everything happens for a reason, that people are placed in our lives for a purpose, not just as a stroke of luck or not.
my heart is in a funny place right now...not entirely sure where....
i still have a lot to think about
i'm sure i'll update again tomorrow after the interview :)
"No words can give an idea of the charms of this morning walk. We wound about in a vast shrubbery with ripe strawberries under foot, wild flowers all around, and scattered knolls; and opening vistas tempting curiosity in every direction."
"Such a cluster of little paradises rising out of such a congregation of waters. Blue waters in every direction, wholly unlike any aspect of the sea: cloud shadows and specks of white vessels. Bowery islands rise out of it, bowery promontories stretch down into it; while at ones feet lies the melting beauty which one almost fears will vanish in its softness before one's eyes; the beauty of the shadowy dells and sunny mounds, with browsing cattle and springing fruit and flowers. Thus would I fain think did the world emerge from the flood."
"We were in great delight at having seen Mackinac, at having the possession of it's singular imagery of life. But this delight was dashed with it's sorrow of leaving it. I could not have believed how deeply it is possible to regret a place, after so brief an acquaintance with it."
"It is known to me as the wildest and tenderest piece of beauty that I have yet seen on God's earth."
-Harriet Martineau describing Mackinac Island
Thought I would share that...
a year ago today i never would have dreamed that I would have fallen in love with that place
There is not a day that goes by that i don't think about Mackinac Island, about the people that i met, and the place and the history, about next year.
This experience and these memories i've created and will continue to create are going to last me a lifetime.
And for that I am so grateful, the summer away changed who I am, and despite my moments of despair and melancholy, i wouldn't trade anything for the world...
i do believe that everything happens for a reason, that people are placed in our lives for a purpose, not just as a stroke of luck or not.
my heart is in a funny place right now...not entirely sure where....
i still have a lot to think about
i'm sure i'll update again tomorrow after the interview :)
Monday, November 26, 2007
i hate this so much
life just does...
i hate that i'm crying
i hate that i know better than to expect anything from him...but i can't help but hope...
i hate that i'm living at home
i hate that i'm so young
god damn
i just feel so completly isolated and unconnected...i don't know who to talk to...
i don't have anyone...
all that i really want is someone to just hold me...that's all...i just want that security, that comfort
i don't understand what i'm doing wrong...why i don't have that...
i hate feeling inadequate...i'm not good enough...
this sucks
i hate that i always feel sad and lonely...
that then i put on this ridiculous front...
is it really so much to ask...just once......once....i want life to be happy again...
i hate that i'm crying
i hate that i know better than to expect anything from him...but i can't help but hope...
i hate that i'm living at home
i hate that i'm so young
god damn
i just feel so completly isolated and unconnected...i don't know who to talk to...
i don't have anyone...
all that i really want is someone to just hold me...that's all...i just want that security, that comfort
i don't understand what i'm doing wrong...why i don't have that...
i hate feeling inadequate...i'm not good enough...
this sucks
i hate that i always feel sad and lonely...
that then i put on this ridiculous front...
is it really so much to ask...just once......once....i want life to be happy again...
Sunday, November 25, 2007
it's getting colder out there...
so much is going on it seems...but the same time...NOTHING is's a strange feeling...these last few days
hmm...where to start,
how about thanksgiving...
it was really good, but crazy.
I went to my grandparents house over near detroit,
there were LOTS of people there,
my grandparents, my great-grandmother, me, my parents and two little brothers. then my sister, her husband and 15ish month old son came, and mom's brother and his wife and 9 children all under the age of 16 were there as well.
me and my 'rents and brothers had to sleep in a hotel. but all in all it was good to see everyone.
my great-grandmother told us some of the family history on her side, which was fantastic! i hadn't heard much of any of the stories from that side of the it turns out, my family is connected to the Astors. John Jacob Astor's Widow (after he died on the titanic) married my great-grandmother's uncle, whome she was originally supposed to marry before Astor.
that part of the family is of german descent, both my great-grandmother and great-grandfather... So that makes my grandfather german...then my grandmother, her family came from Russia and they're jewish...i saw a lot of old photo's actually. i'm DYING to get my hands on them to scan and retouch them!!! hopefully at christmas-time ^_^
anyhoo, as i get older i'm discovering that on my mom's side there were a bunch of blue-bloods...none of that money ever made it to us though :(
same sort of thing on my dad's family used to be very wealthy...originally descended from french noble blood, traced back to about 200 years ago...the stories on his side are CRAZY! but really cool!
i really enjoy learning what my family's stories are...
Saturday night i was able to get together with some of the mackinac girls. i've been missing island life a lot lately...but that made it even more so...i did send in my re-application form on monday.
i'm constantly thinking about the island...about what i'd like to do differently next year, what things i'd like to bring that i didn't have...different things to talk about at work...etc...
i truly miss that sense of community you get living in The Mission House...i miss connecting with people...which i really haven't been able to do since i've been home...i hate it...
looking back on pictures and journal entries...i was truly content and happy while i was there...i really was...
nearly all my life i've had this nagging restlessness that has just always been there...this constant lonliness...
and i know everyone feel's those things at some point...but it's just always been a constant thing for as long as i can remember.
but then...when i was on the wasn't there...i was happy to just be
so, living without it, and then coming home and returning to it..has just made it all the worse...
i'd love to visit some people these next few months :)
oy..i'm getting dramatic now...
moving a lighter note
i got a job interview with the Air Zoo for this friday!!!!! REALLY hope i get the job...i don't really care what it is at this point...if i get that job, then i'm SO quiting Full City!!!!!
only...3ish weeks until schools out!!! i can't believe all this time has passed already! i've got quite a few projects to work on, so i'll be busy up until the end...
pretty excited for the holidays this year! i don't know why...i just am...
i love everything about them...haha i'm sure i'll write some dramatic, eloquent something or another about them i won't bother now :P
that's most of the going-ons now...i'm sure there will be lots to report on this month...just one of those feelings ^_^
hmm...where to start,
how about thanksgiving...
it was really good, but crazy.
I went to my grandparents house over near detroit,
there were LOTS of people there,
my grandparents, my great-grandmother, me, my parents and two little brothers. then my sister, her husband and 15ish month old son came, and mom's brother and his wife and 9 children all under the age of 16 were there as well.
me and my 'rents and brothers had to sleep in a hotel. but all in all it was good to see everyone.
my great-grandmother told us some of the family history on her side, which was fantastic! i hadn't heard much of any of the stories from that side of the it turns out, my family is connected to the Astors. John Jacob Astor's Widow (after he died on the titanic) married my great-grandmother's uncle, whome she was originally supposed to marry before Astor.
that part of the family is of german descent, both my great-grandmother and great-grandfather... So that makes my grandfather german...then my grandmother, her family came from Russia and they're jewish...i saw a lot of old photo's actually. i'm DYING to get my hands on them to scan and retouch them!!! hopefully at christmas-time ^_^
anyhoo, as i get older i'm discovering that on my mom's side there were a bunch of blue-bloods...none of that money ever made it to us though :(
same sort of thing on my dad's family used to be very wealthy...originally descended from french noble blood, traced back to about 200 years ago...the stories on his side are CRAZY! but really cool!
i really enjoy learning what my family's stories are...
Saturday night i was able to get together with some of the mackinac girls. i've been missing island life a lot lately...but that made it even more so...i did send in my re-application form on monday.
i'm constantly thinking about the island...about what i'd like to do differently next year, what things i'd like to bring that i didn't have...different things to talk about at work...etc...
i truly miss that sense of community you get living in The Mission House...i miss connecting with people...which i really haven't been able to do since i've been home...i hate it...
looking back on pictures and journal entries...i was truly content and happy while i was there...i really was...
nearly all my life i've had this nagging restlessness that has just always been there...this constant lonliness...
and i know everyone feel's those things at some point...but it's just always been a constant thing for as long as i can remember.
but then...when i was on the wasn't there...i was happy to just be
so, living without it, and then coming home and returning to it..has just made it all the worse...
i'd love to visit some people these next few months :)
oy..i'm getting dramatic now...
moving a lighter note
i got a job interview with the Air Zoo for this friday!!!!! REALLY hope i get the job...i don't really care what it is at this point...if i get that job, then i'm SO quiting Full City!!!!!
only...3ish weeks until schools out!!! i can't believe all this time has passed already! i've got quite a few projects to work on, so i'll be busy up until the end...
pretty excited for the holidays this year! i don't know why...i just am...
i love everything about them...haha i'm sure i'll write some dramatic, eloquent something or another about them i won't bother now :P
that's most of the going-ons now...i'm sure there will be lots to report on this month...just one of those feelings ^_^
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
just sayin...
today is a good day
me and my friend Jordan decided last night that we'd get up early and go get donuts before class
so i actually got out of bed at like...7:20am...which is an hour earlier than usual...
i did wake up to a dissappointing friend is fucking up her life again...i don't know what to do with her anymore, her parents are at their wits end too...argh
despite that,
met Jordan way early, we carpooled and i got some chocolate donuts from sweetwaters! YUM!
then we were actually at class way early, so we chilled and ate our donuts... :D
hmmm...Digital Design is always fun, we got our final project,
We have to design a newsletter, the whole theme for them is "a Green Frame of Mind" so it has to be something about the enviroment,
i'm doing some of the history of environmentalism, as an issue of "The Spinning Wheel" a small history newsletter i hope to put together, mostly for myself...maybe have a few craftie editions for next summer.
I got a call from the Air Zoo today and set up an interview for next friday!!!!!! YAY! maybe i'll be able to quit my Full City Job!
hmmm...what else today....
oh! meeting with my band guy about his Logo's i designed for him. I'm feeling pretty good about what i've come up with so far :D
I'll have to pack tonight too, i'm going to my grandparents house in detroit for thanksgiving,'s gonna be crazy! 22 people there!!!!!!! me and my 'rents and brothers are staying in a hotel to sleep... i'm kind of glad :)
OH! i'm wearing my new WOOT shirt today! ^_^ "Ain't No Party Like A Boston Party" it says...heehee...AND it's in one of my favorite colors, chocolate brown.
i think really that's most of it...there's a lot going on these next few weeks, finishing up projects and whatnot...crazy...
i opened up my little box of mementos from this summer, feeling very nostaligic,
i also read through my journal entries from the's really interesting to look back on who i was before the summer, and who i am now...
also interesting what i wrote about some of the people. How some of them only make one or two sentence mentions at first, and then require whole paragraphs and pages later...or vice-versa...
i got my Re-Application form for next summer...on saturday, filled it out that night and sent it yesterday :)
i know that it definetly won't be the same as this last summer, but i'd love to have another go at it...
i've been thinking these last couple days, about what might have happened that night...what could have happened...what didn't happen...
i don't know if i've got the guts to instigate anything either...
but then...we only live once...
oy...i spose i'll just take things as they come.... :)
i think that's all for today...i've got a PB & J sammich in my bag callin' my name :D
me and my friend Jordan decided last night that we'd get up early and go get donuts before class
so i actually got out of bed at like...7:20am...which is an hour earlier than usual...
i did wake up to a dissappointing friend is fucking up her life again...i don't know what to do with her anymore, her parents are at their wits end too...argh
despite that,
met Jordan way early, we carpooled and i got some chocolate donuts from sweetwaters! YUM!
then we were actually at class way early, so we chilled and ate our donuts... :D
hmmm...Digital Design is always fun, we got our final project,
We have to design a newsletter, the whole theme for them is "a Green Frame of Mind" so it has to be something about the enviroment,
i'm doing some of the history of environmentalism, as an issue of "The Spinning Wheel" a small history newsletter i hope to put together, mostly for myself...maybe have a few craftie editions for next summer.
I got a call from the Air Zoo today and set up an interview for next friday!!!!!! YAY! maybe i'll be able to quit my Full City Job!
hmmm...what else today....
oh! meeting with my band guy about his Logo's i designed for him. I'm feeling pretty good about what i've come up with so far :D
I'll have to pack tonight too, i'm going to my grandparents house in detroit for thanksgiving,'s gonna be crazy! 22 people there!!!!!!! me and my 'rents and brothers are staying in a hotel to sleep... i'm kind of glad :)
OH! i'm wearing my new WOOT shirt today! ^_^ "Ain't No Party Like A Boston Party" it says...heehee...AND it's in one of my favorite colors, chocolate brown.
i think really that's most of it...there's a lot going on these next few weeks, finishing up projects and whatnot...crazy...
i opened up my little box of mementos from this summer, feeling very nostaligic,
i also read through my journal entries from the's really interesting to look back on who i was before the summer, and who i am now...
also interesting what i wrote about some of the people. How some of them only make one or two sentence mentions at first, and then require whole paragraphs and pages later...or vice-versa...
i got my Re-Application form for next summer...on saturday, filled it out that night and sent it yesterday :)
i know that it definetly won't be the same as this last summer, but i'd love to have another go at it...
i've been thinking these last couple days, about what might have happened that night...what could have happened...what didn't happen...
i don't know if i've got the guts to instigate anything either...
but then...we only live once...
oy...i spose i'll just take things as they come.... :)
i think that's all for today...i've got a PB & J sammich in my bag callin' my name :D
Friday, November 16, 2007
sweet inspiration
well my friends...hold on to your seats :P
i believe i am onto what could be the next big thing.... any case it's a good idea...
mailable hugs.... can send hugs throught the mail, so no matter where you are in the world, you can still let a loved one know 'you're there'
anyhoo...i thought of this a few days ago, then today in my Graphics Careers Seminar we got our final project, which is to conceptualize a product, movie, book or service...
then actually work it out....describe it, how it would work...what the demographic would be....create a style sheet, a mockup...
you see...i was totally gonna work this all out on my own anyways...but NOW i get to credit for it... WOOT
OH...p.s...only 3 weeks left of school! O_O i can't believe it's already been this long! wow...i still miss my friends like crazy, but i'm learning to be....
Turkey than a week! Going to be at my grandparents house....22 people...crazy....10 or 11 of them are my cousins from my one uncle...sooo....that's like....12-13 people 16 and under
the Air Zoo is hiring....i think i'll go apply there...
wow...this is a really A.D.D. post... o_o
hmmm...well...i guess that's all for now....things should be interesting these next few weeks!
i believe i am onto what could be the next big thing.... any case it's a good idea...
mailable hugs.... can send hugs throught the mail, so no matter where you are in the world, you can still let a loved one know 'you're there'
anyhoo...i thought of this a few days ago, then today in my Graphics Careers Seminar we got our final project, which is to conceptualize a product, movie, book or service...
then actually work it out....describe it, how it would work...what the demographic would be....create a style sheet, a mockup...
you see...i was totally gonna work this all out on my own anyways...but NOW i get to credit for it... WOOT
OH...p.s...only 3 weeks left of school! O_O i can't believe it's already been this long! wow...i still miss my friends like crazy, but i'm learning to be....
Turkey than a week! Going to be at my grandparents house....22 people...crazy....10 or 11 of them are my cousins from my one uncle...sooo....that's like....12-13 people 16 and under
the Air Zoo is hiring....i think i'll go apply there...
wow...this is a really A.D.D. post... o_o
hmmm...well...i guess that's all for now....things should be interesting these next few weeks!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
i wish someone would happen
life is becoming monotonous....i hate it
i feel so trapped and restless
last night was terrible, nothing happened.
i hate living with my family
i love them
i just don't love living with them
i want to be on my own. away. free.
there's nothing i'd like better than doing something different right now
just going away
taking a trip
i don't know where to, i'm not really sure that it matters
just anywhere but here
i watched Eternal Sunshine today...
in the movie two people meet each other, fall in love then both end up getting hurt, so they erase each other from their memories...
i do not ever want to forget.
i didn't think that he hurt me...that wasn't supposed to happen, i wasn't supposed to fall for anybody...i know better than that...but it did...and i thought i was ok...that i'm over it...and in a sense i am...but then at the same time i'm not...
i still think about him sometimes...the way he used to look at me...i still like talking to him, even if it's just for a minute...i miss him
i miss everyone SO much
i was so happy and content when i was there and with those people, and now i'm gone and i don't really have anyone
i hate it
i wish something would change...
i wish someone would happen
i feel so trapped and restless
last night was terrible, nothing happened.
i hate living with my family
i love them
i just don't love living with them
i want to be on my own. away. free.
there's nothing i'd like better than doing something different right now
just going away
taking a trip
i don't know where to, i'm not really sure that it matters
just anywhere but here
i watched Eternal Sunshine today...
in the movie two people meet each other, fall in love then both end up getting hurt, so they erase each other from their memories...
i do not ever want to forget.
i didn't think that he hurt me...that wasn't supposed to happen, i wasn't supposed to fall for anybody...i know better than that...but it did...and i thought i was ok...that i'm over it...and in a sense i am...but then at the same time i'm not...
i still think about him sometimes...the way he used to look at me...i still like talking to him, even if it's just for a minute...i miss him
i miss everyone SO much
i was so happy and content when i was there and with those people, and now i'm gone and i don't really have anyone
i hate it
i wish something would change...
i wish someone would happen
Thursday, November 8, 2007
i wish my life was movie's been a week since my parents put my cat down. I still miss him, he was pretty much the best cat in the world :)
i mostly miss him curling up with me, which he always insisted on, even if i had other things on my lap.
and i miss having a cat around, i still have my dog...but it's just not the same...
life however does go on...someday when I've got my own place i'll get another cat...
life is just kind of life right now...nothing to terribly exciting has happened...
had a few interesting convos...hopefully made a new friend :)
got my room clean and better organized today, and watched a few hours of "The Civil War" by Ken's pretty good, still not sure how much i'm actually learning...but it's good....
hmm...trying to decide what to do about a job. I could apply for a seasonal position, but then i'd probably have to quit Full City, then at the end of the season..i'm left without a job... :/ i'm not sure if it's worth it... in any case i think i'll go job searching tomorrow anyways....just to see what's out there. It does though, seem like i've finally gotten on Keiths good side...which is nice :)
i got a side job designing a logo for a band. I think i'll come out of that with about $80 or so...not bad for my first paid design job...
i'm really pleased with most of the art that i've been turning out lately...even when i have to work at them, or don't particularly want to do them, i'm finding that i can still create when i feel uninspired. Which for the work that i'm going into is important...however...the things that do come from inspiration, i think are much more meaningful...
so, i got to thinking after i talked to a friend of mine the other night,
about why i do and have done some of the things i've done in the last...oh...5-6months or so... since i left for the summer.
When i was younger i would not have dreamed of doing any of that stuff...
wouldn't have thought of talking about some of the things i've talked about...and said some of the things i've said...
why the hell am i doing them now?
maybe it's just a part of "growing-up"
all that i've concluded so far, is that i'm really just testing myself, and few other people...just to see what i'll actually do...
we never know what we're going to do until we actually do it...we can SAY we're going to do something, or THINK that's how we'd do something, or react...but sometimes when it actually happens...we don't do that at all...
i dunno...just thinking.....
on a totally different and mostly A.D.D. note...
i'm really stoked that my computer is now personified by a little black cat icon named Owen....
i really like that name..."Owen" ...heh....
anyways...i think i'm done for i said...nothing to terribly exciting this week...oh weeeell....i don't mind too much.
i mostly miss him curling up with me, which he always insisted on, even if i had other things on my lap.
and i miss having a cat around, i still have my dog...but it's just not the same...
life however does go on...someday when I've got my own place i'll get another cat...
life is just kind of life right now...nothing to terribly exciting has happened...
had a few interesting convos...hopefully made a new friend :)
got my room clean and better organized today, and watched a few hours of "The Civil War" by Ken's pretty good, still not sure how much i'm actually learning...but it's good....
hmm...trying to decide what to do about a job. I could apply for a seasonal position, but then i'd probably have to quit Full City, then at the end of the season..i'm left without a job... :/ i'm not sure if it's worth it... in any case i think i'll go job searching tomorrow anyways....just to see what's out there. It does though, seem like i've finally gotten on Keiths good side...which is nice :)
i got a side job designing a logo for a band. I think i'll come out of that with about $80 or so...not bad for my first paid design job...
i'm really pleased with most of the art that i've been turning out lately...even when i have to work at them, or don't particularly want to do them, i'm finding that i can still create when i feel uninspired. Which for the work that i'm going into is important...however...the things that do come from inspiration, i think are much more meaningful...
so, i got to thinking after i talked to a friend of mine the other night,
about why i do and have done some of the things i've done in the last...oh...5-6months or so... since i left for the summer.
When i was younger i would not have dreamed of doing any of that stuff...
wouldn't have thought of talking about some of the things i've talked about...and said some of the things i've said...
why the hell am i doing them now?
maybe it's just a part of "growing-up"
all that i've concluded so far, is that i'm really just testing myself, and few other people...just to see what i'll actually do...
we never know what we're going to do until we actually do it...we can SAY we're going to do something, or THINK that's how we'd do something, or react...but sometimes when it actually happens...we don't do that at all...
i dunno...just thinking.....
on a totally different and mostly A.D.D. note...
i'm really stoked that my computer is now personified by a little black cat icon named Owen....
i really like that name..."Owen" ...heh....
anyways...i think i'm done for i said...nothing to terribly exciting this week...oh weeeell....i don't mind too much.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
what a world
i have come to a few realizations...
first one...i'm in love with books...going to Barnes & Nobles is a commitment of at LEAST an hour....going to the library....even worse as i am not restricted by money...
i love that you can learn about anything in the world through can go on adventures....or re-live the past...
the ability to read is probably one of the greatest blessings ever.
second one...i know nothing about american history....and i'm at a loss as to how to learn it....reading from a textbook unfortunatly doesn't stick....working in mackinac helped a lot...with mackinac history anyways.... if i could just figure out how to use the information i find, then i could make it want to do civil war renactment...just to wear those hoop dresses....they look like fun....
third's really really hard not to like someone that you know you shouldn't like...but it seems like i like him anyways...this can't end well.........
fourth one...i want to start my own business...a graphic design business....but i also think it'd be cool to have my own cafe...but not just a normal cafe...i'd have book trade cafe....with an in house library where people can sit and read...or trade books etc...homemade'd be cool....
fith....i blog WAY to often...but i can't's...kind of addicting... :P
i got this AMAZING furry coat....holy's so soft...and fuzzy...even in the sleeves....i'll have to take a picture or's THAT cool... :D
that's really all for right now....i don't think this week will be that exciting....
first one...i'm in love with books...going to Barnes & Nobles is a commitment of at LEAST an hour....going to the library....even worse as i am not restricted by money...
i love that you can learn about anything in the world through can go on adventures....or re-live the past...
the ability to read is probably one of the greatest blessings ever.
second one...i know nothing about american history....and i'm at a loss as to how to learn it....reading from a textbook unfortunatly doesn't stick....working in mackinac helped a lot...with mackinac history anyways.... if i could just figure out how to use the information i find, then i could make it want to do civil war renactment...just to wear those hoop dresses....they look like fun....
third's really really hard not to like someone that you know you shouldn't like...but it seems like i like him anyways...this can't end well.........
fourth one...i want to start my own business...a graphic design business....but i also think it'd be cool to have my own cafe...but not just a normal cafe...i'd have book trade cafe....with an in house library where people can sit and read...or trade books etc...homemade'd be cool....
fith....i blog WAY to often...but i can't's...kind of addicting... :P
i got this AMAZING furry coat....holy's so soft...and fuzzy...even in the sleeves....i'll have to take a picture or's THAT cool... :D
that's really all for right now....i don't think this week will be that exciting....
Thursday, November 1, 2007
la la lala...
wow...crazy week eh?
so...i was thinking to myself the other day.....'why in the i blog?'
i mean seriously....what's the point?'s my 'conclusion'; personally...i blog, because it's a good way for me to remember all the things that happen, aand it's a place where i can put stuff out there.....and i also blog because i am a nosy person and i read other people's blogs...especially if their my friends, so i know what's up with them. which is probably silly, since i can just as well ASK them...but it's not the same. so, i blog in case someone wants to be nosy about me, even though they could just ASK me...
so's just for me that i keep a better chronological record of things that i do journal with a pen and paper...that's private...that's where i put the really crazy personal things...just for me.
i do like going back and reading blogs and's funny sometimes what i deemed important at the time.....or sometimes i write about someone that i just met and thought nothing of, but now down the road am good friends with them. i don't usually remember meeting people....especially if we've been friends for a while...everything kind of blurrs together. so journals are nice to have... enough blogging about blogging...(ironic eh?)....[jeez...i sound canadian..."eh?"....]
last night, i went to a halloweeny party at Janna's...
Rusty was there.....not as awkward as i thought it would be....but a little bit sad. i kind of feel like i lost a friend....i dunno if that's true ot not. i pretty much ignored him when he first came....that probably wasn't fair of've been strung along long enough. make this story short....i'm over it...moving on. phew...
Trace came! that was pretty exciting, especially after he was all like...'eh...i can't come...' in any case i'm glad he did., him and janna probably played the craziest game of truth or dare that I have ever played....but it was fun. then me and him talked until 6am...o_o...good conversation though :P it's very refreshing to talk to someone who's totally open about basically everything.
went to IHOP for pumpkin pancakes for breakfast! AMAZING! *_* 'em.
LIfe has been looking up it seems....i think there may be some fantastic surprise hiding just around the least i hope so. :)
Monday night....had coffee with Nate...that was really nice to catch up with him again.
Tuesday night...made out with some great tips....almost $60 for the night :D yay! still debating on finding a new job... :P
ok....on a less sunny note;
my parents put my cat down today.... :( ....i miss him soooo much....he was really a fantastic cat, and i am positive that i will never have another one like him. He had so much character, and he was UBER cuddly, he was always ready to curl up with me. damn...i miss him. it's hard not to cry... i know it's silly...he just a cat...but he was MY cat...and i did love him very much. besides hamsters.....this is the first being that i've loved that has died...i have been very fortunate up to this point, i still have both sets of grandparents, all my family members, all my friends...everyone. i'm glad that i've managed to live without really having death touch my life....i consider myself blessed.
anyhoo....that makes me sad.....
moving on...
...i don't know where to move too.... huh....
ha...i REALLY REALLY REALLY would LOVE to move out of my house. I love my parents dearly, but i want my space and my own life more than anything else right now....all i can do i guess is get a better job, finish school....make the money i need to live on my own....oy veh....
Janna, Trace and I were chit chatting at breakfast today. And we started talking about Hot Chocolate...and how when it's REALLY REALLY cold outside..and you've been out there for HOURS and you come in and drink some Hot Chocolate you can feel it warm you from the inside out...then Trace thought i should "artfully represent it using only the colors, 'cold' and 'chocolate." so i did :D
so...i was thinking to myself the other day.....'why in the i blog?'
i mean seriously....what's the point?'s my 'conclusion'; personally...i blog, because it's a good way for me to remember all the things that happen, aand it's a place where i can put stuff out there.....and i also blog because i am a nosy person and i read other people's blogs...especially if their my friends, so i know what's up with them. which is probably silly, since i can just as well ASK them...but it's not the same. so, i blog in case someone wants to be nosy about me, even though they could just ASK me...
so's just for me that i keep a better chronological record of things that i do journal with a pen and paper...that's private...that's where i put the really crazy personal things...just for me.
i do like going back and reading blogs and's funny sometimes what i deemed important at the time.....or sometimes i write about someone that i just met and thought nothing of, but now down the road am good friends with them. i don't usually remember meeting people....especially if we've been friends for a while...everything kind of blurrs together. so journals are nice to have... enough blogging about blogging...(ironic eh?)....[jeez...i sound canadian..."eh?"....]
last night, i went to a halloweeny party at Janna's...
Rusty was there.....not as awkward as i thought it would be....but a little bit sad. i kind of feel like i lost a friend....i dunno if that's true ot not. i pretty much ignored him when he first came....that probably wasn't fair of've been strung along long enough. make this story short....i'm over it...moving on. phew...
Trace came! that was pretty exciting, especially after he was all like...'eh...i can't come...' in any case i'm glad he did., him and janna probably played the craziest game of truth or dare that I have ever played....but it was fun. then me and him talked until 6am...o_o...good conversation though :P it's very refreshing to talk to someone who's totally open about basically everything.
went to IHOP for pumpkin pancakes for breakfast! AMAZING! *_* 'em.
LIfe has been looking up it seems....i think there may be some fantastic surprise hiding just around the least i hope so. :)
Monday night....had coffee with Nate...that was really nice to catch up with him again.
Tuesday night...made out with some great tips....almost $60 for the night :D yay! still debating on finding a new job... :P
ok....on a less sunny note;
my parents put my cat down today.... :( ....i miss him soooo much....he was really a fantastic cat, and i am positive that i will never have another one like him. He had so much character, and he was UBER cuddly, he was always ready to curl up with me. damn...i miss him. it's hard not to cry... i know it's silly...he just a cat...but he was MY cat...and i did love him very much. besides hamsters.....this is the first being that i've loved that has died...i have been very fortunate up to this point, i still have both sets of grandparents, all my family members, all my friends...everyone. i'm glad that i've managed to live without really having death touch my life....i consider myself blessed.
anyhoo....that makes me sad.....
moving on...
...i don't know where to move too.... huh....
ha...i REALLY REALLY REALLY would LOVE to move out of my house. I love my parents dearly, but i want my space and my own life more than anything else right now....all i can do i guess is get a better job, finish school....make the money i need to live on my own....oy veh....
Janna, Trace and I were chit chatting at breakfast today. And we started talking about Hot Chocolate...and how when it's REALLY REALLY cold outside..and you've been out there for HOURS and you come in and drink some Hot Chocolate you can feel it warm you from the inside out...then Trace thought i should "artfully represent it using only the colors, 'cold' and 'chocolate." so i did :D
Sunday, October 28, 2007
oy veh feelings about the week....totally true...:P
made a fair amount in tips at work on friday ^_^ theeen...hung out with trace and them hit on by a creepy home around...5am.... slept until 4 :D ....theeen...
i went to my brother's play with my sister, it was really funny...then i hung out with trace and them
but it was fun ^_^
so now, here i am...after...3ish hours of sleep....i had an energy drink this morning....which has since kicked in, but i'm not sure how long it'll last. o_o
looks like this coming week is gonna be busy too. with nate tomorrow ^_^ work on tuesday....halloween party wednesday in GR....gonna help my brother-in-law's little sister with a horse on thursday....aaand hopefully going to hear/meet this guy at the CopyCup on friday....then work again on saturday! phew....
should be a good week though ^_^
i kind of feel like doing something creative....hmmmmmmm....
anyhoo...that's it for now...
made a fair amount in tips at work on friday ^_^ theeen...hung out with trace and them hit on by a creepy home around...5am.... slept until 4 :D ....theeen...
i went to my brother's play with my sister, it was really funny...then i hung out with trace and them
but it was fun ^_^
so now, here i am...after...3ish hours of sleep....i had an energy drink this morning....which has since kicked in, but i'm not sure how long it'll last. o_o
looks like this coming week is gonna be busy too. with nate tomorrow ^_^ work on tuesday....halloween party wednesday in GR....gonna help my brother-in-law's little sister with a horse on thursday....aaand hopefully going to hear/meet this guy at the CopyCup on friday....then work again on saturday! phew....
should be a good week though ^_^
i kind of feel like doing something creative....hmmmmmmm....
anyhoo...that's it for now...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
so far so good
ok...apart from a slight rough start monday morning, this week had been really good! and it's only...wednesday...
monday morning i overslept...but i was only 5min late to class...which isn't bad.
talked to Ian inbetween classes.....we talked pretty much all class period...he gave me his e-mail/IM. so we shall see...
monday work!...watched Heros ^_^ hung out with lauren. it was fun.
lets see.....tuesday morning...had a midterm, which i'm pretty sure i aced. then i finally finished my english paper....which i also feel pretty good about. Jordan had to go home sick :( but i had a few hours to spend by myself which was kind of nice...
then...i went to work....and had a fairly good night, lots of tables :D. Keith was in a good mood, which was nice....
THEN! haha...then the fun begins....
i got out of work and Trace had called me, he and Janna were in kalamazoo bowling :D. with a Trace's brother Brock and some of their other friends. I didn't bowl with them, they just finished their game...Trace drove my truck to meijer to pick up some stuff to snack on, O_O that was sometimes scary....but we survived....
sooo...then..we went to Fiona's house and played Imaginiff...until like...2am...then we went to steak'n'shake :D that was pretty fun. got back around...3am...i decided to just spend the night at Fiona's with trace and janna. woot! sleepover! lol.
i didn't actually sleep that well...but it was fun.
in the morning Trace figured out that i squeak when he tickles me...especially if i dont expect it....~_~....he thought that was a grand game...
theeeen...we got Fiona and Ray up and i made pancakes...and we all sat at the table and ate breakfast, which was fun! janna left around noon... :( then me...Fiona, Trace and Ray went and played Frisbie golf, which i'm not really very good at...yet...but i discovered on the last hole that i left-handed not right....^_^....
i twisted my still hurts a little bit...but nothing serious... :)
whatelse....pretty much just hung out with Trace and Ray and Fiona for the afternoon......had dinner at Carabas...which was very good! i'd never eaten there before...Brock works there...
i moseyed around the mall a little looking for jobs....i don't really know where to apply...nothing really appeals to me... :(
ergh...i am so spoiled...
The rest of the week i hope bodes work tomorrow! work friday, but trace may be in town again....going to a play with my sister on is looking good...i hope! ^_^
per usual i'm anxious to see what tomorrow holds...
monday morning i overslept...but i was only 5min late to class...which isn't bad.
talked to Ian inbetween classes.....we talked pretty much all class period...he gave me his e-mail/IM. so we shall see...
monday work!...watched Heros ^_^ hung out with lauren. it was fun.
lets see.....tuesday morning...had a midterm, which i'm pretty sure i aced. then i finally finished my english paper....which i also feel pretty good about. Jordan had to go home sick :( but i had a few hours to spend by myself which was kind of nice...
then...i went to work....and had a fairly good night, lots of tables :D. Keith was in a good mood, which was nice....
THEN! haha...then the fun begins....
i got out of work and Trace had called me, he and Janna were in kalamazoo bowling :D. with a Trace's brother Brock and some of their other friends. I didn't bowl with them, they just finished their game...Trace drove my truck to meijer to pick up some stuff to snack on, O_O that was sometimes scary....but we survived....
sooo...then..we went to Fiona's house and played Imaginiff...until like...2am...then we went to steak'n'shake :D that was pretty fun. got back around...3am...i decided to just spend the night at Fiona's with trace and janna. woot! sleepover! lol.
i didn't actually sleep that well...but it was fun.
in the morning Trace figured out that i squeak when he tickles me...especially if i dont expect it....~_~....he thought that was a grand game...
theeeen...we got Fiona and Ray up and i made pancakes...and we all sat at the table and ate breakfast, which was fun! janna left around noon... :( then me...Fiona, Trace and Ray went and played Frisbie golf, which i'm not really very good at...yet...but i discovered on the last hole that i left-handed not right....^_^....
i twisted my still hurts a little bit...but nothing serious... :)
whatelse....pretty much just hung out with Trace and Ray and Fiona for the afternoon......had dinner at Carabas...which was very good! i'd never eaten there before...Brock works there...
i moseyed around the mall a little looking for jobs....i don't really know where to apply...nothing really appeals to me... :(
ergh...i am so spoiled...
The rest of the week i hope bodes work tomorrow! work friday, but trace may be in town again....going to a play with my sister on is looking good...i hope! ^_^
per usual i'm anxious to see what tomorrow holds...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
*mindless humming*
i've got a good feeling about this hopefully it'll follow through.
I got 6 old books from Goodwill old books, pretty ones.
i got:
"No Relations"
"Vanity Fair"
"Pilgrims Progress"
"The Blue Flower"
"Scenes of a Clerical Life"
i'm really excited...they were only $2 a piece...and a lady there told me they sold old books at salvation army for like...50cents a piece...woot!
i really love beautiful old books....even if what's inside is boring...
I'm going to use the last book as a multimedia art project. unless it turns out to be a really good which case i'll have to find ANOTHER boring but beautiful book.
i did start reading "No Relations" and it sucked me in...i don't know why....but i got really caught up in the story after reading the first chapter.....
anyways...besides my books....
Trace should be in town sometime this week....that's exciting....
Quirky Kirk should be accompanying us to lunch tomorrow....we shall see...
I'm going to my brothers' play with my sister on saturday....that should be fun.
i dunno...i just have a good vibe for this least for tomorrow. :D
I got 6 old books from Goodwill old books, pretty ones.
i got:
"No Relations"
"Vanity Fair"
"Pilgrims Progress"
"The Blue Flower"
"Scenes of a Clerical Life"
i'm really excited...they were only $2 a piece...and a lady there told me they sold old books at salvation army for like...50cents a piece...woot!
i really love beautiful old books....even if what's inside is boring...
I'm going to use the last book as a multimedia art project. unless it turns out to be a really good which case i'll have to find ANOTHER boring but beautiful book.
i did start reading "No Relations" and it sucked me in...i don't know why....but i got really caught up in the story after reading the first chapter.....
anyways...besides my books....
Trace should be in town sometime this week....that's exciting....
Quirky Kirk should be accompanying us to lunch tomorrow....we shall see...
I'm going to my brothers' play with my sister on saturday....that should be fun.
i dunno...i just have a good vibe for this least for tomorrow. :D
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
letting go
i feel like i'm waiting...i don't really know what for...
it's just that nagging feeling of anticipation of something.
i don't know if it's a good something, or a bad something....or maybe it's just a something.
i just wish i knew what it was.
i wish my life was more interesting...
i'm pretty sure now that i've said that, i'll regret it a week from now....we shall see then...
hmm...i think this sums it up pretty well:
"Now I was sitting waiting wishing
That you believed in superstitions
Then maybe you'd see the signs
But Lord knows that this world is cruel
And I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a fool
Learning loving somebody don't make them love you
Must I always be waiting waiting on you?
Must I always be playing playing your fool?
I sing ya songs I dance a dance
I gave ya friends all a chance
Putting up with them wasn't worth never having you
And maybe you been through this before
But its my first time
So please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you
I cant always be waiting waiting on you
I cant always be playing playing your fool
I keep playing your part
But its not my scene
Wont this plot not twist?
I've had enough mystery.
Keep building me up, then shooting me down
Well im already down
Just wait a minute
Just sitting waiting
Just wait a minute
Just sitting waiting
Well if I was in your position
Id put down all my ammunition
I'd wondered why'd it taken me so long
But Lord knows that I'm not you
And If I was I wouldn't be so cruel
Cause waiting on love ain't so easy to do
Must I always be waiting waiting on you?
Must I always be playing playing your fool?
No I cant always be waiting waiting on you
I cant always be playing playing your fool, foool"
*Jack Johnson
Sitting, Waiting Wishing.
it's just that nagging feeling of anticipation of something.
i don't know if it's a good something, or a bad something....or maybe it's just a something.
i just wish i knew what it was.
i wish my life was more interesting...
i'm pretty sure now that i've said that, i'll regret it a week from now....we shall see then...
hmm...i think this sums it up pretty well:
"Now I was sitting waiting wishing
That you believed in superstitions
Then maybe you'd see the signs
But Lord knows that this world is cruel
And I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a fool
Learning loving somebody don't make them love you
Must I always be waiting waiting on you?
Must I always be playing playing your fool?
I sing ya songs I dance a dance
I gave ya friends all a chance
Putting up with them wasn't worth never having you
And maybe you been through this before
But its my first time
So please ignore
The next few lines cause they're directed at you
I cant always be waiting waiting on you
I cant always be playing playing your fool
I keep playing your part
But its not my scene
Wont this plot not twist?
I've had enough mystery.
Keep building me up, then shooting me down
Well im already down
Just wait a minute
Just sitting waiting
Just wait a minute
Just sitting waiting
Well if I was in your position
Id put down all my ammunition
I'd wondered why'd it taken me so long
But Lord knows that I'm not you
And If I was I wouldn't be so cruel
Cause waiting on love ain't so easy to do
Must I always be waiting waiting on you?
Must I always be playing playing your fool?
No I cant always be waiting waiting on you
I cant always be playing playing your fool, foool"
*Jack Johnson
Sitting, Waiting Wishing.
Monday, October 8, 2007
oh weekends....
i just can't seem to catch up with anything...
the rough draft for an english paper is due tomorrow....i haven't even started it yet...and it's after 1am....i don't know what to write about...
I went to up to mackinac this last weekend...i'm still not sure if that was a good idea or not...
i miss everyone more than ever. i miss my island. i miss my friends, my boys, my room, the porch. It's just not the same being at home.
i was telling rusty that when i'm there, on the island. I feel like i belong, i feel content and happy.
i don't ever feel like that. At home, for as long as i can remember i've always been restless, and not unhappy, but there's always a little cloud that hangs out in the background.
but then...when i'm on the island with those people. it feels like home.
it was really good to see everyone. to spend time with them.
i miss nights at the Grand all gussied up, dancing the night away....
cold nights curled up in a blanket with another person or two.
falling asleep totally at peace......
i had kind of been hoping that something would come out of this weekend that we spent together. but as far as i can hasn't. I don't know how long i want to wait until he knows what he wants. it's not fair.
i had been hoping, that maybe...just maybe...i might actually have a real someone...i guess that's still to much to hope for.
i almost wish that nothing had ever happened....but it did. and now here i am. i hate always being "just friends"
only time will tell....someday....i will find someone to love who loves me.
i know...i'm probably just being a silly girl...but i am what i am...
i hate crying over's lame...
the rough draft for an english paper is due tomorrow....i haven't even started it yet...and it's after 1am....i don't know what to write about...
I went to up to mackinac this last weekend...i'm still not sure if that was a good idea or not...
i miss everyone more than ever. i miss my island. i miss my friends, my boys, my room, the porch. It's just not the same being at home.
i was telling rusty that when i'm there, on the island. I feel like i belong, i feel content and happy.
i don't ever feel like that. At home, for as long as i can remember i've always been restless, and not unhappy, but there's always a little cloud that hangs out in the background.
but then...when i'm on the island with those people. it feels like home.
it was really good to see everyone. to spend time with them.
i miss nights at the Grand all gussied up, dancing the night away....
cold nights curled up in a blanket with another person or two.
falling asleep totally at peace......
i had kind of been hoping that something would come out of this weekend that we spent together. but as far as i can hasn't. I don't know how long i want to wait until he knows what he wants. it's not fair.
i had been hoping, that maybe...just maybe...i might actually have a real someone...i guess that's still to much to hope for.
i almost wish that nothing had ever happened....but it did. and now here i am. i hate always being "just friends"
only time will tell....someday....i will find someone to love who loves me.
i know...i'm probably just being a silly girl...but i am what i am...
i hate crying over's lame...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
...a continuation of things you probably didn't want to know...
so...after i take a shower if i'm not in a rush to go anywhere i usually just wrap a towel around me and just chill.
you know...sit in my whatever hw etc.
well...i was talking to people online tonight...and it just hit me...i'm talking to people in a awkward...
some mornings on my way to school when i have an early class...i pass through a particular interesection towards downtown...
it's right by an elementary school. and there are always two crossing guards there...
now...i don't usually think twice about crossing guards....but these two in particular seem to strike a chord with me.
i don't know why. they seem ordinary enough. but everytime i see them...*twinge*...goes that little inner chord. It seems like there's something more to them than meets the eye.
my theory...they're guardian angels.....
more normal things to report....
so...if you look back a few posts, i posted a bunch of pictures of things i had Xeroxed at Kinkos late one night.
Well i threw about 4 of the rubberband ones into my portfolio to show to a few schools...Columbia, Kendall...and some other random school in Ohio....
the response: they loved them! o_o...i was just cracking up inside as they sat there and went on and on about how great and brilliant they were....i love it. art is a beautiful thing.
ok...artsy people...or even..not artsy website:
you can get a bunch of neat little cards printed with a full color graphic on one side and basic info/text on the other...$20 for a 100 of them....not bad eh?
i'm really hoping that the state government will be able to make up it's damn mind. soon. because if it affects next weekend...and my little trip to mackinac...i am going to be PISSED. hard is it to make a decision....somebody just needs to suck it up and get make a choice. rawr.
oy....i am not made for drama...
how do you know when to draw the line? when to let go? when to pursue? i didn't want to get attached...i don't think that's working out so well...
apparently there's lots of money for graphic designers right now...i just have to find it...
well...i'm looking! actually...i need to get myself a real working website/online portfolio
long day hopefully a visit from Hess! ^_^
you know...sit in my whatever hw etc.
well...i was talking to people online tonight...and it just hit me...i'm talking to people in a awkward...
some mornings on my way to school when i have an early class...i pass through a particular interesection towards downtown...
it's right by an elementary school. and there are always two crossing guards there...
now...i don't usually think twice about crossing guards....but these two in particular seem to strike a chord with me.
i don't know why. they seem ordinary enough. but everytime i see them...*twinge*...goes that little inner chord. It seems like there's something more to them than meets the eye.
my theory...they're guardian angels.....
more normal things to report....
so...if you look back a few posts, i posted a bunch of pictures of things i had Xeroxed at Kinkos late one night.
Well i threw about 4 of the rubberband ones into my portfolio to show to a few schools...Columbia, Kendall...and some other random school in Ohio....
the response: they loved them! o_o...i was just cracking up inside as they sat there and went on and on about how great and brilliant they were....i love it. art is a beautiful thing.
ok...artsy people...or even..not artsy website:
you can get a bunch of neat little cards printed with a full color graphic on one side and basic info/text on the other...$20 for a 100 of them....not bad eh?
i'm really hoping that the state government will be able to make up it's damn mind. soon. because if it affects next weekend...and my little trip to mackinac...i am going to be PISSED. hard is it to make a decision....somebody just needs to suck it up and get make a choice. rawr.
oy....i am not made for drama...
how do you know when to draw the line? when to let go? when to pursue? i didn't want to get attached...i don't think that's working out so well...
apparently there's lots of money for graphic designers right now...i just have to find it...
well...i'm looking! actually...i need to get myself a real working website/online portfolio
long day hopefully a visit from Hess! ^_^
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
everything you never wanted to know and more!
Your EQ is 133 |
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
You Are Not Prissy |
You're the furthest thing from a princess - and you probably stay far away from any princess types you know. You have an easygoing approach to living. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy. And when life requires it, you're ready to get your hand a little dirty. There's no problem you're too prissy to tackle! |
You Are Very Honest |
You tell it like it is, no matter what. Even if the truth hurts, you'll dish it out. And while some may get hurt by your honesty... At least everyone knows where you stand! |
You Are A Woman! |
Congratulations, you've made it to adulthood. You're emotionally mature, responsible, and unlikely to act out. You accept that life is hard - and do your best to keep things upbeat. This makes you the perfect girlfriend... or even wife! |
You Make a Great First Impression |
You can handle almost any social situation with grace, even the tricky ones. Strangers often find you charming and interesting. You are often remembered fondly. Even if you're not naturally outgoing, you can make conversation with anyone if you need to. Whether you were born this way or had to work to get here, you are definitely charismatic. You're popular and well liked. People definitely look forward to being around you. Your social connections bring you a full and rich life. You understand how important it is to make a lasting impression. |
You're a Confident Chica |
You're a total superstar - and you know it Even if no one else does (in which case you'll remind them) You hate to admit that you're wrong... even to yourself Your life is great - and you've thankful for every great thing you have |
You Have a Choleric Temperament |
You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things. Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life. You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation. You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon. Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall. You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others. At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults. Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion. A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior. |
The Keys to Your Heart |
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you. You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring. You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now. |
You Are Sky Blue |
Dreamy and creative, you the potential in everyone ... and everything! And while you strive to have an ideal life, you are pretty mellow about it. You know your time will come. |
Your Personality Is |
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person. You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals. You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily. Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings. You seek out other empathetic people to befriend. Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships. In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily. At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career. With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone. As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style. On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours. |
Monday, September 24, 2007
Week # 459871568.5
phew....crazy weekend.
Friday i actually did homework, then worked my first shift at work by myself. Did a pretty good job too ^_^.
Saturday went to horsemanship...which wasn't horrible...i cantered my horse a bit, he's got a nice little canter. Saturday night at work was really good. At the end of the night, my last table...stayed until 9:30 ~_~...BUT it was worth it since they left me a $20 tip! O_O...awsome. I think i made about $60ish in tips this weekend.
letssee....Sunday, yesterday. Was awsome. I drove up to Grand Rapids, got there around 5. aaand hung out with Rusty ^_^. We also went to Janna's to visit, had dinner there. That was lots of fun too. I left around 12:30am...o_o...but it was really nice to see him. I think it's been like...over a month. And as far as I know i'll see both of them again in 2 weeks for Fort Fright. ^_^ I'll may carpool with them as well. Which would be fun.
and now it's back to the weekly grind. woot.
In my class this morning, Graphics Careers Seminar, we got a new project.
it's going to be lots of fun. We split up into teams....5 members each, there's a secretary...who's kind of the leader of the group. That's me. There's also a Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Marketing Director and an Animator. So it's like a real-life type situation. So, my group is doing
Candyopolis we're calling it...where you are the hero of the story...helping the rebel lifesavers and assorted candies fight the evil liquorice forces.
anyways...we're like getting really into it. It's going to be AMAZING.
OH. so...quirky kurk does have a real name...Ean...or however you spell it. hmm...he didn't really strike me as an Ean...but i spose it fits? He is still rather quirky, but entertaining...>_<
hmm...other news...
There's a Porfolio day at school tomorrow...
Friday i actually did homework, then worked my first shift at work by myself. Did a pretty good job too ^_^.
Saturday went to horsemanship...which wasn't horrible...i cantered my horse a bit, he's got a nice little canter. Saturday night at work was really good. At the end of the night, my last table...stayed until 9:30 ~_~...BUT it was worth it since they left me a $20 tip! O_O...awsome. I think i made about $60ish in tips this weekend.
letssee....Sunday, yesterday. Was awsome. I drove up to Grand Rapids, got there around 5. aaand hung out with Rusty ^_^. We also went to Janna's to visit, had dinner there. That was lots of fun too. I left around 12:30am...o_o...but it was really nice to see him. I think it's been like...over a month. And as far as I know i'll see both of them again in 2 weeks for Fort Fright. ^_^ I'll may carpool with them as well. Which would be fun.
and now it's back to the weekly grind. woot.
In my class this morning, Graphics Careers Seminar, we got a new project.
it's going to be lots of fun. We split up into teams....5 members each, there's a secretary...who's kind of the leader of the group. That's me. There's also a Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Marketing Director and an Animator. So it's like a real-life type situation. So, my group is doing
Candyopolis we're calling it...where you are the hero of the story...helping the rebel lifesavers and assorted candies fight the evil liquorice forces.
anyways...we're like getting really into it. It's going to be AMAZING.
OH. so...quirky kurk does have a real name...Ean...or however you spell it. hmm...he didn't really strike me as an Ean...but i spose it fits? He is still rather quirky, but entertaining...>_<
hmm...other news...
There's a Porfolio day at school tomorrow...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
someday soon
do you ever look in the mirror...and just thought to yourself..."i look freaking amazing"
tonight is one of those nights. i do. i look amazing. haha...i am a lot of things....humble is not one of them...:P.
seriously...i look good tonight. to bad i'm not going anywhere :(.
though...apparently i've commited a fashion crime and i am wearing black and i was told by a boy. jeez. not even like...a really fashion smart boy. lol. i don't mind to much...i like this one >_<...
Things are gettin' better all the time. I slept in this morning...yay.
Went to drawing class...which was uber easy today. We worked on doing shading and value...
i think i did a pretty fine job too. ^_^ made me happy.
Work went well. i passed all my training and tests! YAY! i was a little bit worried about them.
mostly because i suck at tests, and if i failed the final test i'd lose my job. which would be bad.
in any case. I'm good to go, and ready to finally start making money off my tables! hurray!
I still have LOTS to learn, but i'm well on my way. So work is getting there. However..if a better opportunity does happen to come better believe i'll take it.
I do still have a fair amount of work to do for school. But i've got tomorrow and friday to work on a lot of it. And if i can get my act together i want to put together a little portfolio to show to some schools on tuesday. They're having a portfolio day at school. I'd be interested in hearing the difference in reaction's since last year. My problem will be narrowing it down to those few pieces of work. o_o. maybe i'll work on that
i think the worst news of today is that....Gas is $2.83....and i JUST topped off my tank at $2.85 cuz i figured it would go up again...almost without fail...everytime i fill up...the very next drops least 5cents....but then if i DON'T fill up...and wait....then it goes up like...10cents....go figure.
Tuesday Night: hell the day was over! sooooooOOo..lets see...what happened since i wrote....
things took a turn for the better. Went to english was uber easy...we listened to a short like...20min lecture...then Peer Reviewed papers and left. AND i don't have class on thursday at all! YAY!!!! because my teacher's doing 10min conferences to go over our rough drafts....and i scheduled mine for tomorrow....AHHHHh!...amazing! i don't have to work on thursday either....! heehee. AMAZING. i love it. letsseee....what else...................
oh! i made arrangments to visit one of my mackinac people on sunday, so hopefully that'll work out. ^_^
work was pretty good today. I waited on about 4 or 5 tables by myself. And did a pretty good job i thought ^_^
AND teehee...i got a pumpkin pie with whipped cream...yummy. and a pumpkin mocha...yummy too. i don't think it gets much better than that...amazing...i love pumpkin stuff. hee...'s tuesday night and things are looking up...much better than tuesday afternoon :P
with any luck this streak'll continue!
Tuesday afternoon:
this week has been a doozy...and it's only tuesday....good lord.
lets add to the list of craziness....
Last night, i'm sitting at home on my computer, checkin' my e-mails and getting ready for a nice relaxing night at home, get a little homework done...etc etc etc.
no...don't be silly.
i'm sitting down for not even....10 min when the phone rings...and it's Work....the job that i've had for not even a whole week. And apparently i was on the schedule for last night...which had no idea, since i was under the assumption that i was working wednesdays, fridays and saturdays. But then, i get put on the schedule for last night, tonight AND tomorrow AND friday and saturday. HOLY poo monkey. seriously. i guess they forgot to warn me, that the woman who makes the schedules is liable to change it without telling people. argh.
SO i end up at work like...half an hour late. ~_~...then i have to work tonight and tomorrow....and it's not that i don't like my job....i mean, i haven't even done it long enough to not like it. I just like to have time to do my homework...which working 3 days a week i can i don't think so. ergh. But tonight is my last night of training so i'll finally be able to start making money off of tips...thank god. i dunno, i think i may keep my eyes open for a better job...
so...i got home from work at like....9pm...had a mocha so i was up until like...2am. o_o.
this morning...i had the freakiest weirdest dream ever. I kept having to go to this house that was haunted by this weird little was terrible....lots of avoiding her...trying to shut doors before she got there....not being able to move fast enough....eck...i hate nightmares...i think that's the second night in a row i've had a nightmare. hate them. i was so jumpy this morning getting ready for school i kept expecting to turn around and see that damn girl.
the night before i had a really weird dream. first of all, i had had a kid...named him Ivan. But i didn't really seem to care about him...i had this weird encounter with one of the guys that i met over the summer. and various other people showed up that i had met over the summer. oy...i think that one may have had to do with me being...homesick?...or islandsick?...whatever, missing the mackinac people. I have no idea what the kid had to do with anything though....strange....
oy. well first me and Jordan (my friend from school....) we thought we'd go on a Scone try and find some luck. But we were hungry....SO we wander up and down the kalamazoo mall....we stopped and looked at this little whole-in-the-wall Chinese place...but it looked a little we kept going...but didn't really find anything. So we keep going up and down the street...then we saw a guy eating the chinese jordan stopped and she asked the guy how it was....he said it was decided to live-a-little and try it. So we go in....and it's seriously a whole-in-the-wall place. After much debate we finally just get some orange chicken and fried rice to go...anyhoo...we go and sit at a table outside...across from Bogies Cafe. But there was this weird guy hanging around there...he was scary. I don't think he was all there...but he kept like...spitting...and i dunno what else he was doing...but he had a very aggressive demeanor. THEN...he pulls out a bag of some food or something...pulls out this huge like...6inch wicked looking knife to open it...and he stabbed and tore the and jordan were already kind of nervous....and that was just too much. SO we got our stuff...and left quickly.
OH! we also had some random guy stop us and ask for some change so he could catch a bus. He was going to go apply to BK. he had the application in his hand...had it all filled out and everything. So i gave him a dollar. whatever...he seemed harmless.
hmm...i think that's all for today...but then...the days not over yet O_O...
i'm really hoping that the week will kind of chill out....I need to look around for a better job too. I don't really love this job...and i hate to be working at a job i don't love. Or i'd at least like to look forward to it. ergh.
phew...i'm tired...ok...English class...then work...then home. 6 hours until i can chill....T_T
so...i'm on my way to school this morning...i left so that i'd make it to class just on time. but lo and behold i am 5min away from the parking garage and a train decides to pass through. and not just any old train....the CIRCUS train. somehow i had a feeling that if i was late to class my teacher would not appreciate "i'm sorry, but the circus train stopped me".....haha....lucklily i made it to class with minutes to spare. but seriously....the circus train?! It was freaking long and slow too...
hm...i haven't been to the circus in many many many years...i don't hardly remember it the one time that i did go. strange. circuses are very weird
well...that's my story of the day...
i for whatever reason...really really miss everyone today. I slept until 2pm...O_O...i did not mean to sleep that all. This morning I had these crazy dreams, most of them involved people i miss....which is probably why i miss everyone so much today. Some more than others I really want to see...*sigh*
hm...i'm hoping things'll pick up soon here. I just want someone to spend time with.
now watch...usually just after i write something like this...something to fullfill my wishes happens...
almost without the history of all my journaling and we shall see. God is pretty cool about these things. :)
do you ever look in the mirror...and just thought to yourself..."i look freaking amazing"
tonight is one of those nights. i do. i look amazing. haha...i am a lot of things....humble is not one of them...:P.
seriously...i look good tonight. to bad i'm not going anywhere :(.
though...apparently i've commited a fashion crime and i am wearing black and i was told by a boy. jeez. not even like...a really fashion smart boy. lol. i don't mind to much...i like this one >_<...
Things are gettin' better all the time. I slept in this morning...yay.
Went to drawing class...which was uber easy today. We worked on doing shading and value...
i think i did a pretty fine job too. ^_^ made me happy.
Work went well. i passed all my training and tests! YAY! i was a little bit worried about them.
mostly because i suck at tests, and if i failed the final test i'd lose my job. which would be bad.
in any case. I'm good to go, and ready to finally start making money off my tables! hurray!
I still have LOTS to learn, but i'm well on my way. So work is getting there. However..if a better opportunity does happen to come better believe i'll take it.
I do still have a fair amount of work to do for school. But i've got tomorrow and friday to work on a lot of it. And if i can get my act together i want to put together a little portfolio to show to some schools on tuesday. They're having a portfolio day at school. I'd be interested in hearing the difference in reaction's since last year. My problem will be narrowing it down to those few pieces of work. o_o. maybe i'll work on that
i think the worst news of today is that....Gas is $2.83....and i JUST topped off my tank at $2.85 cuz i figured it would go up again...almost without fail...everytime i fill up...the very next drops least 5cents....but then if i DON'T fill up...and wait....then it goes up like...10cents....go figure.
Tuesday Night: hell the day was over! sooooooOOo..lets see...what happened since i wrote....
things took a turn for the better. Went to english was uber easy...we listened to a short like...20min lecture...then Peer Reviewed papers and left. AND i don't have class on thursday at all! YAY!!!! because my teacher's doing 10min conferences to go over our rough drafts....and i scheduled mine for tomorrow....AHHHHh!...amazing! i don't have to work on thursday either....! heehee. AMAZING. i love it. letsseee....what else...................
oh! i made arrangments to visit one of my mackinac people on sunday, so hopefully that'll work out. ^_^
work was pretty good today. I waited on about 4 or 5 tables by myself. And did a pretty good job i thought ^_^
AND teehee...i got a pumpkin pie with whipped cream...yummy. and a pumpkin mocha...yummy too. i don't think it gets much better than that...amazing...i love pumpkin stuff. hee...'s tuesday night and things are looking up...much better than tuesday afternoon :P
with any luck this streak'll continue!
Tuesday afternoon:
this week has been a doozy...and it's only tuesday....good lord.
lets add to the list of craziness....
Last night, i'm sitting at home on my computer, checkin' my e-mails and getting ready for a nice relaxing night at home, get a little homework done...etc etc etc.
no...don't be silly.
i'm sitting down for not even....10 min when the phone rings...and it's Work....the job that i've had for not even a whole week. And apparently i was on the schedule for last night...which had no idea, since i was under the assumption that i was working wednesdays, fridays and saturdays. But then, i get put on the schedule for last night, tonight AND tomorrow AND friday and saturday. HOLY poo monkey. seriously. i guess they forgot to warn me, that the woman who makes the schedules is liable to change it without telling people. argh.
SO i end up at work like...half an hour late. ~_~...then i have to work tonight and tomorrow....and it's not that i don't like my job....i mean, i haven't even done it long enough to not like it. I just like to have time to do my homework...which working 3 days a week i can i don't think so. ergh. But tonight is my last night of training so i'll finally be able to start making money off of tips...thank god. i dunno, i think i may keep my eyes open for a better job...
so...i got home from work at like....9pm...had a mocha so i was up until like...2am. o_o.
this morning...i had the freakiest weirdest dream ever. I kept having to go to this house that was haunted by this weird little was terrible....lots of avoiding her...trying to shut doors before she got there....not being able to move fast enough....eck...i hate nightmares...i think that's the second night in a row i've had a nightmare. hate them. i was so jumpy this morning getting ready for school i kept expecting to turn around and see that damn girl.
the night before i had a really weird dream. first of all, i had had a kid...named him Ivan. But i didn't really seem to care about him...i had this weird encounter with one of the guys that i met over the summer. and various other people showed up that i had met over the summer. oy...i think that one may have had to do with me being...homesick?...or islandsick?...whatever, missing the mackinac people. I have no idea what the kid had to do with anything though....strange....
oy. well first me and Jordan (my friend from school....) we thought we'd go on a Scone try and find some luck. But we were hungry....SO we wander up and down the kalamazoo mall....we stopped and looked at this little whole-in-the-wall Chinese place...but it looked a little we kept going...but didn't really find anything. So we keep going up and down the street...then we saw a guy eating the chinese jordan stopped and she asked the guy how it was....he said it was decided to live-a-little and try it. So we go in....and it's seriously a whole-in-the-wall place. After much debate we finally just get some orange chicken and fried rice to go...anyhoo...we go and sit at a table outside...across from Bogies Cafe. But there was this weird guy hanging around there...he was scary. I don't think he was all there...but he kept like...spitting...and i dunno what else he was doing...but he had a very aggressive demeanor. THEN...he pulls out a bag of some food or something...pulls out this huge like...6inch wicked looking knife to open it...and he stabbed and tore the and jordan were already kind of nervous....and that was just too much. SO we got our stuff...and left quickly.
OH! we also had some random guy stop us and ask for some change so he could catch a bus. He was going to go apply to BK. he had the application in his hand...had it all filled out and everything. So i gave him a dollar. whatever...he seemed harmless.
hmm...i think that's all for today...but then...the days not over yet O_O...
i'm really hoping that the week will kind of chill out....I need to look around for a better job too. I don't really love this job...and i hate to be working at a job i don't love. Or i'd at least like to look forward to it. ergh.
phew...i'm tired...ok...English class...then work...then home. 6 hours until i can chill....T_T
so...i'm on my way to school this morning...i left so that i'd make it to class just on time. but lo and behold i am 5min away from the parking garage and a train decides to pass through. and not just any old train....the CIRCUS train. somehow i had a feeling that if i was late to class my teacher would not appreciate "i'm sorry, but the circus train stopped me".....haha....lucklily i made it to class with minutes to spare. but seriously....the circus train?! It was freaking long and slow too...
hm...i haven't been to the circus in many many many years...i don't hardly remember it the one time that i did go. strange. circuses are very weird
well...that's my story of the day...
i for whatever reason...really really miss everyone today. I slept until 2pm...O_O...i did not mean to sleep that all. This morning I had these crazy dreams, most of them involved people i miss....which is probably why i miss everyone so much today. Some more than others I really want to see...*sigh*
hm...i'm hoping things'll pick up soon here. I just want someone to spend time with.
now watch...usually just after i write something like this...something to fullfill my wishes happens...
almost without the history of all my journaling and we shall see. God is pretty cool about these things. :)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
it's just one of those things
life has been crazy this past week. Lots of school....lots of homework...lots of required creativity o_o. starting my new job. making's nuts.
lets start with school...
all my classes are good. very relevant to my goal.
Mondays i'm taking Graphics Career Seminar, which will help me figure out the actual logistics of being a Graphic Designer and i'll hopefully find some exposure there.
I'm also taking Design & Appreciation....should be interesting, that class'll be a butt-load of homework...the creative kind :P
lets see.....Tuesdays....Digital Design...i really like that classs, the teacher's impressed...we worked on our first project in class yesterday and she used mine as an example for what it should be. ^_^...woot...brownie points and i wasn't even trying. i'm just that
i've also got College will be a hell of a lot of writing...ew...but our first paper is pretty interesting...we have to write a personal i'm narrating my adventure around mackinac island in the middle of the night with drunk paul O_O. it'll be interesting i think.
Wednesday's is Drawing & here's the thing...i love drawing in my freetime...but i really really hate drawing classes and all the exercises which i know will make me better but just seem to frustrate and bore any case the teacher is cool...a very interesting character and helpful and regardless it'll be a good benificial class.
Thursdays is college writing again...with my teacher who is very interesting character...if he was in a story he would be a very tragic character i think...seems like he's had a sad life...always been the odd one out....i any case he's very intriguing to watch.
Fridays is the Lab for my Graphics Career class...where they'll bring in speakers and whatnot to talk to us about all that graphicy stuff...should be educational and hopefully interesting.
SATURDAY...i have my horsemanship should be intersting....out of about 10 students only 3-4 are real beginners....then there are two obnoxious know-it-alls.....ergh. I'm a know it all too...but i'm a quiet know it all.....i keep my input and comments to as long as they just let me do my thing i'll be ok.......otherwise...i may have issues. But my horse seems pretty nice, he's a 5yr old Dun...quarter horse i believe...and his name is Silver. So i'm hoping he'll be a challenge....or at least fun to ride.
ok...i think that's it for school....good lord....
I started working at Full City Cafe as a first night was tonight....should be an easy job. The girl training my tonight was like...i know i'm throwing a lot at you, but don't get overwhelmed....i was like...pffft...this is nothing compared to training for my last job. Anyways...i'm pretty excited to make some moolah. So far i'm working 3 nights a week....wednesday, friday and saturday. It'll be enough so i've got a little bit of spending money.
All in all...i think life is pretty good. I thrive when there's lots to do. But it's not overwhelming so i still have time to myself which i do require. Friends have been limited basically to the internet....which i'm not particularly thrilled about, but i don't really have time for them outside of that....not realisticly anyways....
ok....i need to get some stuff done...or go to sleep...or something....
until then.........
lets start with school...
all my classes are good. very relevant to my goal.
Mondays i'm taking Graphics Career Seminar, which will help me figure out the actual logistics of being a Graphic Designer and i'll hopefully find some exposure there.
I'm also taking Design & Appreciation....should be interesting, that class'll be a butt-load of homework...the creative kind :P
lets see.....Tuesdays....Digital Design...i really like that classs, the teacher's impressed...we worked on our first project in class yesterday and she used mine as an example for what it should be. ^_^...woot...brownie points and i wasn't even trying. i'm just that
i've also got College will be a hell of a lot of writing...ew...but our first paper is pretty interesting...we have to write a personal i'm narrating my adventure around mackinac island in the middle of the night with drunk paul O_O. it'll be interesting i think.
Wednesday's is Drawing & here's the thing...i love drawing in my freetime...but i really really hate drawing classes and all the exercises which i know will make me better but just seem to frustrate and bore any case the teacher is cool...a very interesting character and helpful and regardless it'll be a good benificial class.
Thursdays is college writing again...with my teacher who is very interesting character...if he was in a story he would be a very tragic character i think...seems like he's had a sad life...always been the odd one out....i any case he's very intriguing to watch.
Fridays is the Lab for my Graphics Career class...where they'll bring in speakers and whatnot to talk to us about all that graphicy stuff...should be educational and hopefully interesting.
SATURDAY...i have my horsemanship should be intersting....out of about 10 students only 3-4 are real beginners....then there are two obnoxious know-it-alls.....ergh. I'm a know it all too...but i'm a quiet know it all.....i keep my input and comments to as long as they just let me do my thing i'll be ok.......otherwise...i may have issues. But my horse seems pretty nice, he's a 5yr old Dun...quarter horse i believe...and his name is Silver. So i'm hoping he'll be a challenge....or at least fun to ride.
ok...i think that's it for school....good lord....
I started working at Full City Cafe as a first night was tonight....should be an easy job. The girl training my tonight was like...i know i'm throwing a lot at you, but don't get overwhelmed....i was like...pffft...this is nothing compared to training for my last job. Anyways...i'm pretty excited to make some moolah. So far i'm working 3 nights a week....wednesday, friday and saturday. It'll be enough so i've got a little bit of spending money.
All in all...i think life is pretty good. I thrive when there's lots to do. But it's not overwhelming so i still have time to myself which i do require. Friends have been limited basically to the internet....which i'm not particularly thrilled about, but i don't really have time for them outside of that....not realisticly anyways....
ok....i need to get some stuff done...or go to sleep...or something....
until then.........
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