Sunday, September 7, 2008

something old, something new, change is a certainty

well, i think it's safe to say my life has changed dramatically even in the short time since my last post was written

the summer finished nothing like it started

i managed to stir up trouble several times over

some of which i can't mention just yet.


but i don't want to screw things up.

so i'm gonna keep my mouth shut.

life would be much easier

if people would go read a book

and mind their own business


i'm home from mackinac

and miss it sorely

i miss my life there

which happens to be amazing

life at home...not terrible...but not mine.

i do however get significantly more time for art

which is nice

but i'd rather have my Mackinac Life...

in any case, we shall see how this all plays out over the next few months or so

my fingers are crossed

i hope it turns out well....

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