Saturday, September 29, 2007

...a continuation of things you probably didn't want to know...

so...after i take a shower if i'm not in a rush to go anywhere i usually just wrap a towel around me and just chill.
you know...sit in my whatever hw etc.
well...i was talking to people online tonight...and it just hit me...i'm talking to people in a awkward...

some mornings on my way to school when i have an early class...i pass through a particular interesection towards downtown...
it's right by an elementary school. and there are always two crossing guards there...
now...i don't usually think twice about crossing guards....but these two in particular seem to strike a chord with me.
i don't know why. they seem ordinary enough. but everytime i see them...*twinge*...goes that little inner chord. It seems like there's something more to them than meets the eye.

my theory...they're guardian angels.....

more normal things to report....

so...if you look back a few posts, i posted a bunch of pictures of things i had Xeroxed at Kinkos late one night.

Well i threw about 4 of the rubberband ones into my portfolio to show to a few schools...Columbia, Kendall...and some other random school in Ohio....

the response: they loved them! o_o...i was just cracking up inside as they sat there and went on and on about how great and brilliant they were....i love it. art is a beautiful thing.

ok...artsy people...or even..not artsy website:
you can get a bunch of neat little cards printed with a full color graphic on one side and basic info/text on the other...$20 for a 100 of them....not bad eh?


i'm really hoping that the state government will be able to make up it's damn mind. soon. because if it affects next weekend...and my little trip to mackinac...i am going to be PISSED. hard is it to make a decision....somebody just needs to suck it up and get make a choice. rawr.


oy....i am not made for drama...


how do you know when to draw the line? when to let go? when to pursue? i didn't want to get attached...i don't think that's working out so well...


apparently there's lots of money for graphic designers right now...i just have to find it...

well...i'm looking! actually...i need to get myself a real working website/online portfolio


long day hopefully a visit from Hess! ^_^

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