Wednesday, September 5, 2007

school woot!


my Drawing class...pretty awsome. My teacher is very quirky and seems like an interesting character.
after talking to us for a little while. he gave us a piece of paper and told us we had 2 hours too go out and draw something we saw cool is that? so in my adventures i found this fantastic little cafe...called Bogie cafe on the kalamazoo was i went in and bought a sammich!!!



so, i started my classes yesterday...
first class of the year:

Digital Design. ^_^ should be fun, i hope.
the teacher is very nice and easy going...personable.

i'm waiting to go to Drawing & Composition...o_o...hopefully will be good...
and then i've no clue about the rest of my classes.

all in all this should be a good's kind of neat having basically all my classes downtown...very different enviroment. ^_^ horsemanship class has placed itself rather awkwardly in the middle of my weekends...(a saturday afternoon) so it's in the way of any short trips i could otherwise be taking...-_-...but that ends end of october so hopefully i'll be able to do stuff afterwards...seeing as i have friends all over the state now ^_^

still no job :( ugh...don't know how i'm going to afford myself. $_$ i think parents will help with Gas, at least for going to and from school.

I had picked up a book by Walt Whitman in mackinac at Paul's Shack...and flipped through it...he's very eloquent. So i picked up a copy from the library yesterday...he says some positively profound and beautiful i'm going to go read a bit before class.

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