Wednesday, December 5, 2007

It's that time of year, when the world falls in love

what did i say? was this gonna be a good week or what?

so far...really good.

where to start...i don't recall where i left let's start with yesterday.

classes...haha...i was pretty ridiculous in my morning class...i couldn't focus...and was just...A.D.D....

but i did actually end of getting A LOT done...and i'm really happy with how my project is coming out!

then i went and had coffee with nate...that was very good...the conversation not the did end up being a little emotional, but everything is going to work out, and it's all going to be ok. God knows what he's doing...even though we don't.

i am however curious to see how all of these things play out.

there is lots and lots of change going on these days. and i realize that i say that quite a bit around this time of year...but it's always true!


ok but here's the real exciting news of the day

I got a call from the Air Zoo today....


i start on friday! :D

put in my two weeks notice at work today. SO excited! SO excited...holy crap..

you have no idea

this i feel is going to be a much better place for me

better hours for next semester, and won't get in the way of nights out and about, or not.

in any case it's gonna be a good experience.


tomorrow is nate's birthday :)


i'm going shopping with nicole tomorrow...i think i'll do a bit of shopping on my own too...

i need to get some eggnog and whatnot for saturday

i think i might look for a new shirt too...

need to get my christmas shopping done... ~_~ ugh


i'm presenting my "Hugs" project in the lab on friday, feeling pretty good about it.

hmm...i think that's really all for now...the rest of the week should be good! :)

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